9.2.5: Provide M&C Center Personnel Interface for Maint
This process shall manage the interface to the maintenance and construction center personnel for maintenance, construction, and work zone operations. This process shall receive inputs from the M&C Center Personnel concerning schedule and data archival parameters, dispatch information, advanced maintenance decision support parameters, control of systems on-board maintenance and construction vehicles, asset monitoring, infrastructure sensor control information, traffic control device (TCD) changes, or responses to requests from other agencies for resources. Coordination with other agencies could include the development and approval of disaster response, recovery, and evacuation plans. This process shall also display outputs to the center personnel such as work activity schedule updates, M&C fleet tracking information, environmental and road network information, maintenance decision support system recommendations, vehicle speeds and work activity status in work zones, asset monitoring information, or flashes of new requests from other management functions within ITS. This process shall also display work zone device status and work zone video images to the center personnel. Maintenance and construction activity, vehicle, and equipment status shall be presented to the M&C Center Personnel in a map-based format. This process shall receive information about potential threats or a major emergency such as a man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction, alert the center personnel, and send the information to another process that will pass it along to warn field personnel.
This process is associated with the Maint and Constr Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
- MCM Automated Treatment System Control
- MCM Environmental Information Collection
- MCM Environmental Information Processing
- MCM Field Asset Tracking
- MCM Field Equipment Maintenance
- MCM Infrastructure Monitoring
- MCM Maintenance Decision Support
- MCM METR Rule Installation
- MCM Priority Management
- MCM Reduced Speed Zone Warning
- MCM Remote Vehicle Control
- MCM Roadway Maintenance
- MCM Vehicle Maintenance Management
- MCM Vehicle Tracking
- MCM Winter Maintenance Management
- MCM Work Zone Management
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- center_control_of_on_board_work_zone_devices
- dispatch_info_for_m_and_c_fleet
- fmccp-alert_and_threats_for_field_personnel
- fmccp-archive_commands
- fmccp-emergency_plan_response
- fmccp-mdss_parameter_input
- fmccp-request_for_schedule
- fmccp-request_m_and_c_tracking_display_update
- fmccp-resource_response
- fmccp-vehicle_speed_sensor_control
- fmccp-vehicle_systems_control
- m_and_c_archive_commands_from_personnel
- m_and_c_archive_status_to_personnel
- m_and_c_emergency_response_plan_from_personnel
- m_and_c_emergency_response_plan_to_personnel
- maint_dec_support_parameter_updates
- mdss_recommended_actions_for_personnel
- request_for_m_and_c_schedule
- request_m_and_c_tracking_display_update
- routing_parameters_for_m_and_c_fleet
- speed_sensor_control_from_m_and_c_personnel
- tmccp-alert_and_threats_info
- tmccp-archive_status
- tmccp-auto_treat_status
- tmccp-barrier_system_status
- tmccp-emergency_response_plan
- tmccp-mdss_recommended_actions
- tmccp-resource_request
- tmccp-work_zone_info
- vehicle_systems_control_by_mc_center_personnel
- work_zone_data_collection_parameters
- work_zone_device_operator_control
- work_zone_info_distribution_parameters
- work_zone_info_for_operator_display
- auto_treatment_system_status_for_personnel
- alert_and_threats_for_maint_field_personnel
- alert_and_threats_for_maint_personnel
- resource_request_to_personnel
- resource_response_from_personnel
- fmccp-dispatch_and_routing_info
- fmccp-infrastructure_sensor_control
- fmccp-wz_collection_and_distribution_parameters
- fmccp-wz_device_control
- infrastructure_sensor_control_by_center_personnel
- m_and_c_activity_status_for_personnel
- m_and_c_view_of_road_network_for_personnel
- map_data_for_m_and_c_tracking_display
- mcv_tracking_data_for_personnel
- scheduled_work_plan_for_personnel
- speed_data_for_m_and_c_display
- tmccp-m_and_c_activity_status
- tmccp-scheduled_work_plan
- tmccp-vehicle_fleet_status
- tmccp-vehicle_speed_data
- tmccp-view_of_road_network
- tmccp-work_zone_images_for_display
- vehicle_fleet_status_for_personnel
- work_zone_data_for_display
- work_zone_device_status_for_display
- work_zone_images_for_display
- static_data_for_m_and_c
- fmccp-asset_monitoring_inputs
- tmccp-asset_monitoring_control
- asset_response_from_personnel
- lane_closure_info_from_maint
- traffic_regulation_inputs_for_m_and_c_personnel
- tmccp-traffic_regulation_data
- fmccp-traffic_regulation_input
- traffic_regulation_personnel_inputs
- traffic_regulation_activity_status_from_personnel