The Systems Engineering Tool for Intelligent Transportation (SET-IT) Version 9.3 (December 2024) (now available for download)
provides a single software tool that integrates drawing and database tools with the
Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT)
so that users can develop project architectures for pilots,
test beds and early deployments. This software is provided as-is,
with no implied warranty. Additional functionality
will be added in future versions. While the development team will make every effort
to maintain compatibility between versions, it is possible that a future version will not be 100% compatible with this release.
Be sure to install the latest updates to Microsoft Windows & Office before running SET-IT.
Highlights of Features:
- Tools to search and select the latest ARC-IT service packages to use as a starting point for a project architecture
- Ability to import projects from RAD-IT, including changes made to the RAD-IT file
- Ability to associate local or project specific elements with physical object shapes
- Tools to build enterprise diagrams showing the agreements between stakeholders
- Tools to generate higher level diagrams, Layer 0 or Layer 1, for a project as as well as physical context, communications solutions, or enterprise view diagrams
- Tools to generate a standard format Concept of Operations (ConOps) document with a tailored template
- Numerous bug fixes
- Full compatibility with the latest ARC-IT content (including new service packages and other enhanced content) included.
For a complete list of recent changes, see the SET-IT What's New page. After you download and install the software, consult the Readme file to see what's new in this version.
The SET-IT download includes one connected vehicle sample project with several service packages. For a smaller-scoped example, download the CCTV project based on FHWA's CCTV model systems engineering documents, over on the SHARE-IT page.
Installation Issues:
Previous versions of SET-IT relied on Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010. That dependence has been removed with recent releases but there are some one-time steps that need to be done in order for SET-IT to work properly. See the ADE Steps page for instructions.
Contact the Helpdesk if you have any questions.
Known Issues:
- Some users have reported that they get a System Resources Exceeded error. There is an option in the Advanced Options menu to increase the maximum number of file locks to try and alleviate this issue. Check that if you are having these issues. If they continue, please contact the Help Desk.
- Following installation some users have reported an error that "Access is denied" when they try to launch the tool. This is due to a conflict between the SET-IT installation and your anti-virus software. Try temporarily disabling your anti-virus software and reinstalling SET-IT.
A copy of Microsoft Visio 2013 or newer is required for systems running Microsoft Office 2013 up to and including Microsoft Office 2013 SP1. If your system uses Microsoft Office 2016, you must use Microsoft Visio 2016. In addition, make sure your system is up-to-date with the latest Office Updates from Microsoft. In order to utilize tabular output functions, the user must have MS Word or MS Excel.
A 64 Bit version of SET-IT is available for download for those users that currently have 64 bit versions of Office/Visio. If you have a 32 bit version of Office/Visio then you need to use the 32 bit version of SET-IT.
For users of the current or previous versions of SET-IT:
- Be sure that SET-IT is not running when you install the new version of SET-IT
- If you have an old version of SET-IT it is a good idea to uninstall it first and reboot your PC prior to installing the new version.
- The version of SET-IT that you are using.
- The version and name of your operating system, Office product, and Visio.
- A brief description of your problem or issue.