9.2.2: Status Current M&C Activities and Transportation Infrastructure

This process shall assess the current status of all maintenance and construction activities, transportation assets, and infrastructure, and provide the information to center personnel, other agencies, and functions within Manage Maintenance and Construction to support the vehicle fleet manager and maintenance needs assessment. This status shall include actual work activities performed, current locations and operational conditions of M&C vehicles, asset inventories, materials and equipment inventories, field equipment status, environmental information, work zone status, transportation system damage assessments, traffic control device (TCD) changes, etc. Asset usage restrictions, such as height, width, or weight requirements, whether permanent or temporary due to maintenance and construction activity, shall be gathered from Asset Management and communicated to other agencies. Incident information gathered by this function shall be forwarded to emergency and traffic management functions.

This process is associated with the Maint and Constr Management Center physical object.

This process is associated with the following functional objects:

This process is associated with the following data flows: