Collect Vehicle Roadside Safety Data
This process shall collect safety related information from passing vehicles and other connected devices (such as personal information devices) via short range communications. This safety data may include basic information such as location, time, or the anonymous identity of the device or data specific to the vehicle - braking, speed, direction, engine status, etc. This safety data may also include information about the environment around the vehicle including the presence of precipitation, obstacles, other vehicles. This process shall also collect sensor data from nearby field devices to support applications that are based on traffic or environmental conditions. This process shall provide the collected safety data to other processes within Manage Traffic for relay to other equipped vehicles in the vicinity or to use in intersection safety applications.
This process is associated with the Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
- RSE Environmental Monitoring
- RSE Incident Scene Safety
- RSE Infrastructure Monitoring
- RSE Intersection Management
- RSE Intersection Safety
- RSE Low Emissions Zone Application
- RSE METR Emergent Information Dissemination
- RSE Rail Crossing Warning
- RSE Restricted Lanes Application
- RSE Situation Monitoring
- RSE Speed Warning
- RSE Traffic Gap Assist
- RSE Transit User Guidance
- RSE Traveler Information Communications
- RSE Work Zone Safety
- RSE Wrong Way Vehicle Warning
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- environmental_data_for_vehicle_sensors
- traffic_data_for_vehicle_sensors
- vehicle_occupants_detected
- vehicle_safety_input_data
- vehicle_roadside_location_data
- vehicle_roadside_speed_data
- vehicle_roadside_size_data
- vehicle_roadside_current_status_data
- traveler_roadside_pedestrian_indicator
- roadside_intersection_pedestrian_presence
- fov-acceleration_for_roadside
- fov-braking_status_for_roadside
- fov-heading_for_roadside
- fov-speed_for_roadside
- fov-steering_for_roadside
- fov-transmission_status_for_roadside
- fov-vehicle_identity_for_roadside
- fov-vehicle_location_for_roadside
- fov-vehicle_size_for_roadside
- personal_mobile_location_data
- personal_mobile_time_data
- personal_mobile_device_identity
- traveler_roadside_location_data
- em_vehicle_roadside_current_status_data
- em_vehicle_roadside_location_data
- em_vehicle_roadside_size_data
- em_vehicle_roadside_speed_data
- tr_vehicle_roadside_current_status_data
- tr_vehicle_roadside_location_data
- tr_vehicle_roadside_size_data
- tr_vehicle_roadside_speed_data
- cv_vehicle_roadside_current_status_data
- cv_vehicle_roadside_location_data
- cv_vehicle_roadside_size_data
- cv_vehicle_roadside_speed_data
- transit_roadside_path_prediction_data
- personnel_mobile_device_identity
- personnel_mobile_location_data
- personnel_mobile_time_data
- mmv_location_for_roadside
- vehicle_roadside_detected_vehicles
- vehicle_roadside_detected_vrus
- vehicle_roadside_detected_physical_obstacle
- detected_vehicles_data_for_vehicle_sensors
- detected_VRU_data_for_vehicle_sensors
- detected_obstacles_for_vehicle_sensors
- roadside_vehicle_detected_vehicles
- roadside_vehicle_detected_vrus
- roadside_vehicle_detected_physical_obstacle
- roadside_detected_vehicles
- roadside_detected_vrus
- roadside_detected_physical_obstacle
- vehicle_roadside_light_setting
- traffic_and_env_sensor_data
- traffic_and_env_sensor_status
- traffic_and_env_data_for_emergent_situations