Manage Roadside Fueling and Charging Station Interfaces

This process shall manage the roadside equipment interface from vehicle to facilities for electrical charging stations and alternative fueling locations. This process shall accept inputs from the local electric charging stations on the status of the station (working, not working, full, available) and information about the charging system (rate of charge available, cost of charge, constraints, hours of operation). This process shall accept inputs from equipped connected vehicles with the vehicle charging profile and provide it with any available charging stations that fit the requesting vehicle's profile and requirements. This process shall provide the information about the vehicles requesting charges as well as the information about the local charging facility to the management center functions. This process shall be capable of receiving configuration and control commands from other processes. The process shall return operational status (state of the device, configuration, and fault data) to the controlling process.

No associated physical objects.

This process is associated with the following functional objects:

This process is associated with the following data flows: