Determine Field Equipment M&C Needs
This process shall determine the need for intelligent transportation system (ITS) field equipment collected device status, maintenance schedules, requests for action by other agencies, identification of faulty roadside equipment, and recommendations from the Provide M&C Maintenance Decision Support function. This shall include routine maintenance such as field equipment repair, etc. This process shall collect sensor status, identify fault conditions, and log faults that have been detected by processes in the Manage Maintenance and Construction, Manage Traffic, and Provide Driver and Traveler Services functions. Once field equipment maintenance needs are established by this process, the recommended maintenance activity shall be output to the Schedule M&C Activities function or directly to the Manage M&C Vehicle Fleet function, depending upon the urgency of the request. A record of field equipment maintenance needs shall be output to another process for archival.
This process is associated with the Maint and Constr Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- field_device_status
- field_equipment_status_from_traffic
- field_equipment_status_from_center
- fleet_vehicle_response_to_field_equip_maint
- fleet_vehicle_request_for_field_equip_maint
- m_and_c_field_equip_needs_to_scheduler
- m_and_c_field_equip_maint_needs_for_archive
- mdss_recommended_actions_for_field_equip_maint_needs
- mc_field_equipment_configuration_commands
- mc_field_equipment_settings
- mc_field_software_update