Support Personnel Communications
This process shall support data transfer from personnel devices to the relevant centers or vehicles. This data includes data or video from device used by emergency personnel provided to the Manage Emergency Services function. The message shall be sent by the process in response to data received from another process that monitors personnel inputs. Once the data or video has been sent, the process shall send a message to that effect to another process for output to the emergency or maintenance personnel. This process shall also receive device commands, configuration information and software upgrades from its controlling center in order to manage device operations.
This process is associated with the Personnel Device physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- fep-incident_status
- tep-incident_command_information_presentation
- personnel_device_commands
- personnel_device_configuration
- personnel_device_software_install
- incident_scene_video_images
- incident_scene_video_images_metadata
- personnel_incident_scene_status_for_center
- incident_scene_video_images_for_vehicle
- incident_scene_video_images_from_vehicle
- local_decision_support_information_for_personnel
- personnel_mobile_device_identity_for_emc
- personnel_mobile_location_data_for_emc
- personnel_mobile_time_data_for_emc
- personnel_incident_command_inputs
- personnel_incident_scene_status
- personnel_vehicle_decision_support
- vehicle_personnel_incident_status
- vehicle_personnel_incident_scene_video
- vehicle_personnel_decision_support
- incident_command_information_for_personnel
- personnel_device_status