Manage Implementation of Traffic Regulations and Controls
This process shall receive inputs for new traffic regulations or modifications of existing rules and regulations, e.g. new speed limits, new parking restrictions, or different HOV requirements on a segment. This process shall also receive information on damage or other deficiencies with any traffic control devices (TCDs) within the jurisdiction of this function. This process shall determine the appropriate action, e.g. install new device (sign), update what's there, trim overgrown plants covering a sign. This process shall interact with the Status Current M&C Activities and Transportation Infrastructure process to affect any repairs and to learn the status of the requested actions. This process shall inform the Manage Traffic Rules and Regulations process of the status or requests and other issues like discrepancies reported with any of the traffic control devices, e.g. TCD in one direction says 35 mph but says 25 mph in the other direction. As changes and repairs are made this process shall inform the Manage Traffic Rules and Regulations process.
This process is associated with the Maint and Constr Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- traffic_regulation_data_for_m_and_c
- traffic_regulation_inputs_for_m_and_c_personnel
- traffic_regulation_personnel_inputs
- traffic_control_device_update
- traffic_rule_overlap_resolution_from_m_and_c
- traffic_rule_discrepancy_info_from_m_and_c
- traffic_rule_issues_from_m_and_c
- traffic_rule_overlap_resolution_for_m_and_c
- traffic_rule_discrepancy_info_for_m_and_c
- traffic_rule_issues_for_m_and_c