1.8.1: Collect and Manage Traffic Regulations
This process shall collect data to support the creation of electronic versions of traffic regulations for a given area served by the function. This process shall translate legal rules provided by an external user or another instance of this function and stored by this function for eventual consumption by traveler systems and other interested parties. This process shall present proposed changes to the regulations to the Rule-Maker user for approval. Upon approval, this process shall associate a digital signature to the rule/regulation that is traceable to a specific Rule-Maker. Depending on local policies and division of labor, the process shall support the coordination of rules with other instances of this function in other jurisdictions, the Manage Maintenance and Construction process, or the Manage Traffic Regulation Discrepancy process. This process shall send approved rules/regulations to the Distribute Traffic Regulations process to support local or broad distribution of the rules/regulations within the relevant jurisdiction(s).
This process is associated with the METR System physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows: