Handle Traffic Regulation Discrepancies
This process shall address discrepancies between the traffic regulations that have been approved and provided from an authenticated source and the information actually being given to drivers – either electronically or through a physical piece of infrastructure like a traffic control device (TCD). This process shall accept reports of discrepancies in the traffic rules from the agent/personnel operating this METR system, other METR systems, the Distribute Traffic Regulations processes, other non-METR distribution centers, the Manage Maintenance and Construction function, or directly from travelers or users with personal devices or equipped vehicles. This process shall perform a numerical analysis of discrepancy count vs. time for any given rule, and when warranted, report those rules with sufficient discrepancy reports to justify further investigation. In the case of drivers or personal travelers, this process shall preserve the anonymity for the user that reports the issue. This process shall notify affected parties about the existence of a discrepancy report. For example, the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for a vehicle model that repeatedly incorrectly reports discrepancies should be notified of the problem in its discrepancy reporting logic, represented as a non-METR distribution center. This process shall coordinate with the Manage Infrastructure process when a traffic control device is involved that is under the jurisdiction of that process to effect repair of the device (e. g. a sign that needs to be updated or repaired).
This process is associated with the METR System physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows: