1.8.5: Coordinate with Other Rule Managers

This process shall exchange data with other systems that manage electronic traffic regulations (METR). This represents the exchange of data between peer Manage Traffic Rules and Regulations functions, i.e., between peer METR Systems. The other METR System can be adjacent geographically, under control of a different jurisdiction, or part of a more complex hierarchy. The exchange of data may be triggered by a request to (or from) the Other METR System terminator or the exchange of data may be initiated without a specific request. This process shall coordinate with the Manage Maintenance and Construction function in order to resolve issues such as the installation of new regulations and the traffic control devices required to support them. This data shall include data concerning traffic regulations, information to coordinate their dissemination, or information concerning discrepancies and actions taken to correct any issues in the regulations and/or the way in which the information is being distributed.

This process is associated with the METR System physical object.

This process is associated with the following functional objects:

This process is associated with the following data flows: