US DOT Policy on Regional ITS Architecture
Title 23 (Highways), Chapter I, Subchapter K, Part 940 of the United
States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), is about "Intelligent
Transportation System Architecture and Standards." The Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) refers to this as 23CFR940. Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) published the "National ITS Architecture Consistency
Policy for Transit Projects" that has the same wording as 23CFR940. The
purpose of the regulation or policy was to provide "policies and
procedures for implementing section 5206(e) of the Transportation Equity Act
for the 21st Century (TEA-21), Public Law 105-178, 112 Stat. 457, pertaining to
conformance with the National Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture
and Standards." (from - 23CFR940.1 Purpose)
ITS projects funded through the highway trust fund are required to conform to the National ITS Architecture and applicable standards. The intention of the regulation/policy is to foster the deployment of integrated regional ITS systems.
Because it is highly unlikely that the entire National ITS Architecture would be fully implemented by any single metropolitan area or state, the regulation requires that the National ITS Architecture be used to develop a "regional ITS architecture" that would be tailored to address the local situation and ITS investment needs. The region is defined by local participants and is based on the needs for information sharing and coordination. It can be a metropolitan area, a state, a multi-state area, or a corridor.
This guide makes frequent reference to the federal regulation requirements for regional ITS architectures, describing how the specific process steps and products relate to the regulation, usually referenced as 23CFR940. In addition to the regional ITS architecture requirements, the regulation also includes requirements for ITS Project Implementation and Project Administration, which are not addressed in detail by this document.
information on the Intelligent Transportation System Architecture and Standards
regulation can be found at
The text of the regulation itself can be found on the US government electronic
Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) website
on or FHWA's and FTA's websites. See for highways and for transit.