< < ST04 : ST05 : ST06 > >

ST05: Electric Charging Stations Management

The Electric Charging Station Management service package provides an exchange of information between the electric vehicle and charging station to manage the charging operation. The service package also supports interaction between a traveler in a vehicle and a transportation information center in order to plan a trip that will involve requesting locations and availability of charging stations as well as reserving a spot at a charging station if needed. The agency or company operating the charging station can use vehicle information such as the capability of the vehicle (e.g. operational status of the electrical system, how many amps can the vehicle handle, and % charge complete) to determine that the charge is being properly applied and determine an estimated time to complete charging.

Relevant Regions: Australia, Canada, European Union, and United States


Development Stage Roles and Relationships

Installation Stage Roles and Relationships

Operations and Maintenance Stage Roles and Relationships

Source Destination Role/Relationship
Basic Vehicle Maintainer Basic Vehicle Maintains
Basic Vehicle Manager Basic Vehicle Manages
Basic Vehicle Owner Basic Vehicle Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Basic Vehicle Manager Operations Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Light Vehicle Driver Application Usage Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Light Vehicle Driver Vehicle Operating Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Light Vehicle OBE Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Light Vehicle OBE Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Basic Vehicle Owner Light Vehicle OBE User Service Usage Agreement
Basic Vehicle Supplier Basic Vehicle Owner Warranty
Electric Charging Management Center Maintainer Electric Charging Management Center Maintains
Electric Charging Management Center Manager Electric Charging Management Center Manages
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Electric Charging Management Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Electric Charging Management Center Manager Operations Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Electric Charging Station Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Electric Charging Station Owner Information Provision Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Electric Charging Station User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Electric Utility Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Electric Utility Owner Information Provision Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Electric Utility User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Light Vehicle Driver Application Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Payment Administration Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Payment Administration Center Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Payment Administration Center User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center Owner Information Provision Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Management Center Supplier Electric Charging Management Center Owner Warranty
Electric Charging Station Maintainer Electric Charging Station Maintains
Electric Charging Station Manager Electric Charging Station Manages
Electric Charging Station Manager Light Vehicle Driver System Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Electric Charging Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Electric Charging Management Center Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Electric Charging Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Electric Charging Station Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Electric Charging Station Manager Operations Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Electric Utility Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Electric Utility Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Electric Utility User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Light Vehicle Driver Application Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Light Vehicle OBE Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Light Vehicle OBE Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Light Vehicle OBE User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Payment Administration Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Payment Administration Center Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
Electric Charging Station Owner Payment Administration Center User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Charging Station Supplier Electric Charging Station Owner Warranty
Electric Utility Maintainer Electric Utility Maintains
Electric Utility Manager Electric Utility Manages
Electric Utility Owner Electric Charging Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Electric Charging Management Center Owner Information Provision Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Electric Charging Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Electric Charging Station Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Electric Charging Station Owner Information Provision Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Electric Charging Station User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Electric Utility Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Electric Utility Manager Operations Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Light Vehicle Driver Application Usage Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Payment Administration Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Payment Administration Center Owner Information Provision Agreement
Electric Utility Owner Payment Administration Center User Service Usage Agreement
Electric Utility Supplier Electric Utility Owner Warranty
Financial Center Maintainer Financial Center Maintains
Financial Center Manager Financial Center Manages
Financial Center Owner Financial Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Financial Center Owner Financial Center Manager Operations Agreement
Financial Center Owner Payment Administration Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Financial Center Owner Payment Administration Center Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Financial Center Owner Payment Administration Center User Service Usage Agreement
Financial Center Supplier Financial Center Owner Warranty
Light Vehicle Driver Electric Charging Station Operates
Light Vehicle Driver Light Vehicle OBE Operates
Light Vehicle OBE Maintainer Light Vehicle OBE Maintains
Light Vehicle OBE Manager Light Vehicle Driver System Usage Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Manager Light Vehicle OBE Manages
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Electric Charging Station Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Electric Charging Station Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Electric Charging Station User Service Usage Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Light Vehicle Driver Application Usage Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Light Vehicle Driver Vehicle Operating Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Light Vehicle OBE Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Light Vehicle OBE Manager Operations Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Supplier Light Vehicle OBE Owner Warranty
Payment Administration Center Maintainer Payment Administration Center Maintains
Payment Administration Center Manager Payment Administration Center Manages
Payment Administration Center Owner Electric Charging Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Electric Charging Management Center Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Electric Charging Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Electric Charging Station Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Electric Charging Station Owner Information Provision Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Electric Charging Station User Service Usage Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Financial Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Financial Center Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Financial Center User Service Usage Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Light Vehicle Driver Application Usage Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Payment Administration Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Payment Administration Center Owner Payment Administration Center Manager Operations Agreement
Payment Administration Center Supplier Payment Administration Center Owner Warranty
Payment Device Maintainer Payment Device Maintains
Payment Device Manager Payment Device Manages
Payment Device Owner Electric Charging Station Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Payment Device Owner Electric Charging Station Owner Information Provision and Action Agreement
Payment Device Owner Electric Charging Station User Service Usage Agreement
Payment Device Owner Light Vehicle Driver Application Usage Agreement
Payment Device Owner Light Vehicle OBE Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Payment Device Owner Light Vehicle OBE Owner Information Provision and Action Agreement
Payment Device Owner Light Vehicle OBE User Service Usage Agreement
Payment Device Owner Payment Device Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Payment Device Owner Payment Device Manager Operations Agreement
Payment Device Supplier Payment Device Owner Warranty
Transportation Information Center Maintainer Transportation Information Center Maintains
Transportation Information Center Manager Transportation Information Center Manages
Transportation Information Center Owner Light Vehicle Driver Application Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Light Vehicle OBE Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Light Vehicle OBE Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Light Vehicle OBE User Service Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Transportation Information Center Manager Operations Agreement
Transportation Information Center Supplier Transportation Information Center Owner Warranty


This service package includes the following Functional View PSpecs:

Physical Object Functional Object PSpec Number PSpec Name
Electric Charging Management Center Electric Charging Management Manage Electric Charging Station Reservations
Electric Charging Station Electric Charging Station Management 1.2.9 Perform Electric Charging System Management Process Roadside Electric Charging Payments
Light Vehicle OBE Light Vehicle Electric Charging Assist 3.1.5 Manage Vehicle Fueling and Charging Systems Provide Light Vehicle Driver with Personal Travel Information Provide Light Vehicle Driver Information Interface Process Vehicle Electric Charging Payments
Light Vehicle Payment Service 3.1.8 Process Light Vehicle Road Use Data Provide Light Vehicle Driver with Personal Travel Information Provide Light Vehicle Driver Information Interface
7.1.4 Provide Driver Toll Payment Interface
7.1.7 Provide Payment Device Interface for Tolls
7.2.3 Provide Driver Parking Lot Payment Interface
7.2.5 Provide Payment Device Interface for Parking Process Vehicle Electric Charging Payments
7.5.1 Provide Vehicle Payment Device Interface
7.6.3 Provide Driver Road Use Charging Payment Interface
7.6.4 Provide Payment Device Interface for Road Use Charging
Payment Administration Center PAC Payment Administration 5.4.2 Process Violations for Tolls Manage Bad Toll Payment Data Collect Probe Data From Toll Transactions Update Toll Price Data Register for Advanced Toll Payment Manage Toll Processing
7.1.8 Exchange Data with Other Payment Administration Process Electric Charging Payments Calculate Vehicle Road Use Payment Charges Manage Road Use Charging Price Data Manage Road Use Charges Processing
7.6.5 Exchange Road Use Charging Data with Other Payment Administration Provide Road Use Charging Services User Interface
7.6.8 Provide Road Use Charging Enforcement Interface
7.7 Administer Multimodal Payments
Transportation Information Center TIC Travel Services Information and Reservation 6.2.1 Collect Misc Traveler Information
6.5.1 Provide Broadcast Data Interface
6.5.3 Register Travel Services Providers
6.5.4 Process Travel Services Provider Data Process Travel Services Provider Payments Process Traveler Trip and Other Services Payments


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Includes Physical Objects:

Physical Object Class Description
Basic Vehicle Vehicle 'Basic Vehicle' represents a complete operating vehicle. It includes the vehicle platform that interfaces with and hosts ITS electronics and all of the driver convenience and entertainment systems, and other non-ITS electronics on-board the vehicle. Interfaces represent both internal on-board interfaces between ITS equipment and other vehicle systems and other passive and active external interfaces or views of the vehicle that support vehicle/traffic monitoring and management. External interfaces may also represent equipment that is carried into the vehicle (e.g., a smartphone that is brought into the vehicle). Internal interfaces are often implemented through a vehicle databus, which is also included in this object. Note that 'Vehicle' represents the general functions and interfaces that are associated with personal automobiles as well as commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, and other specialized vehicles.
Electric Charging Management Center Center The 'Electric Charging Management Center' provides management services for one or more electric vehicle charging stations used to charge hybrid and all-electric vehicles. This includes public charging stations that support consumers, workplace charging stations, and fleet charging stations using plug in (level 1, 2, fast charge, etc.), or inductive charging methods. The center interfaces with traveler information providers to support payment of charging and to disseminate information about the availability and status of their chargers and to coordinate reservations by drivers for the use of a charger. The center also interfaces with the appropriate electric utility that supplies electricity for its chargers to coordinate demand on the power grid.
Electric Charging Station Field The 'Electric Charging Station' provides access to electric vehicle supply equipment that is used to charge hybrid and all-electric vehicles. This includes public charging stations that support consumers, workplace charging stations, and fleet charging stations using plug in (level 1, 2, fast charge, etc.) or inductive charging methods.
Electric Utility Support The 'Electric Utility' is the local provider of electricity through an electric power distribution network
Financial Center Center The 'Financial Center' represents the organization that handles electronic fund transfer requests to enable the transfer of funds from the user of the service to the provider of the service. The functions and activities of financial clearinghouses are covered by this physical object.
Light Vehicle Driver Vehicle The 'Light Vehicle Driver' represents the person that operates a light vehicle on the roadway. This physical object covers the interactions that are specific to light, passenger vehicles. See also the 'Driver' physical object that covers interactions that are shared by operators of light, transit, commercial, and emergency vehicles where the interactions are not particular to the type of vehicle.
Light Vehicle OBE Vehicle The 'Light Vehicle OBE' includes traveler-oriented capabilities that apply to passenger cars, trucks, and motorcycles that are used for personal travel. The rules vary by jurisdiction, but generally light vehicles are restricted in their weight and the maximum number of passengers they can carry. In ARC-IT, the Light Vehicle OBE represents vehicles that are operated as personal vehicles that are not part of a vehicle fleet and are not used commercially; thus, the choice between the various vehicle subsystems should be based more on how the vehicle is used than how much the vehicle weighs. See also the 'Vehicle' subsystem that includes the general safety and information services that apply to all types of vehicles, including light vehicles.
Payment Administration Center Center The 'Payment Administration Center' provides general payment administration capabilities and supports the electronic transfer of funds from the customer to the transportation system operator or other service provider. Charges can be recorded for tolls, vehicle-mileage charging, congestion charging, or other goods and services. It supports traveler enrollment and collection of both pre-payment and post-payment transportation fees in coordination with the financial infrastructure supporting electronic payment transactions. The system may establish and administer escrow accounts depending on the clearinghouse scheme and the type of payments involved. It may post a transaction to the customer account, generate a bill (for post-payment accounts), debit an escrow account, or interface to a financial infrastructure to debit a customer designated account. It supports communications with the ITS Roadway Payment Equipment to support fee collection operations. As an alternative, a wide-area wireless interface can be used to communicate directly with vehicle equipment. It also sets and administers the pricing structures and may implement road pricing policies in coordination with the Traffic Management Center.
Payment Device Personal The 'Payment Device' enables the electronic transfer of funds from the user of a service (I.e. a traveler) to the provider of the service. Potential implementations include smart cards that support payment for products and services, including transportation services and general purpose devices like smart phones that support a broad array of services, including electronic payment. In addition to user account information, the payment device may also hold and update associated user information such as personal profiles, preferences, and trip histories.
Transportation Information Center Center The 'Transportation Information Center' collects, processes, stores, and disseminates transportation information to system operators and the traveling public. The physical object can play several different roles in an integrated ITS. In one role, the TIC provides a data collection, fusing, and repackaging function, collecting information from transportation system operators and redistributing this information to other system operators in the region and other TICs. In this information redistribution role, the TIC provides a bridge between the various transportation systems that produce the information and the other TICs and their subscribers that use the information. The second role of a TIC is focused on delivery of traveler information to subscribers and the public at large. Information provided includes basic advisories, traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, yellow pages information, ride matching information, and parking information. The TIC is commonly implemented as a website or a web-based application service, but it represents any traveler information distribution service.

Includes Functional Objects:

Functional Object Description Physical Object
Electric Charging Management 'Electric Charging Management' monitors electric charging operations for one or more charging stations, monitoring current operational status including current occupancy and rates supporting back office operations. This function also includes support for reservations and payment of electric charging. Electric Charging Management Center
Electric Charging Station Management 'Electric Charging Station Management' manages vehicle charging. It verifies that a vehicle is authorized to charge, enabled power delivery, communicates with the vehicle during charging and provides charge status information to the driver. A connection with Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment provides the capability to integrate charging station coordination and communication into the broader Connected Vehicle Environment. Electric Charging Station
Light Vehicle Electric Charging Assist 'Light Vehicle Electric Charging Assist' uses short range communications to coordinate with electric charging stations, providing information about the operational state of the electrical system, the maximum charge rate, and the percentage-complete of the charge. This application also receives current information about electric charging systems in the region and makes this information available to the driver on request. Light Vehicle OBE
Light Vehicle Payment Service 'Light Vehicle Payment Service' supports vehicle payments including VMT- and zone-based payments and payments for other services including fuel/charging services, tolls, and parking. To support VMT-based payment, this application tracks the location of the vehicle at specific times and reports this VMT data along with vehicle identification. A variety of pricing strategies are supported, including strategies that include credits or incentives that reward desired driving patterns and behavior. The onboard equipment supports secure short range communications with connected vehicle roadside equipment to support secure payments. Light Vehicle OBE
PAC Payment Administration 'PAC Payment Administration' provides administration and management of payments associated with electronic toll collection, parking payments, and other e-payments. It provides the back office functions that support enrollment, pricing, reduced fare eligibility, payment reconciliation with financial institutions, and violation notification to enforcement agencies. It also supports dynamic pricing to support demand management, allow/block-list management and token validation. Payment Administration Center
TIC Travel Services Information and Reservation 'TIC Travel Services Information' disseminates information about traveler services such as lodging, restaurants, electric vehicle charging, and service stations. Tailored traveler service information is provided on request that meets the constraints and preferences specified by the traveler. This application also supports reservations and advanced payment for traveler services including parking and loading zone use. Transportation Information Center

Includes Information Flows:

Information Flow Description
account updates Updates to an account, such as purchases, uses, cancellation, secureID changes or similar material changes to account information.
actuate secure payment Initiation of a payment action, ideally based on an encrypted token or biometric marker. Such a payment action could be a simple validation that the secure token allows the user access to the travel resource, or it could be the initiation of a payment transaction.
authorization request Request to determine if a transportation user is authorized to use a particular transportation resource.
authorization response Notification of status of authorization request.
current charging status Current charging status including current charge rate, estimated time to completion, and cost associated with the charge.
driver information Regulatory, warning, guidance, and other information provided to the driver to support safe and efficient vehicle operation.
electric charging services inventory Information provided for electric charging stations identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure.
electric charging station data Information provided for electric charging stations to the management center identifying the location, operating status, current availability, no-shows, charging capacity, etc.
electric charging station information Information provided for electric charging stations identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure.
electric charging station management information Parameters that support management of an electric charging station. Load balancing, Reservation requests, Hours of operation, display configuration (ads), rules and regulations, etc.
electric charging utility info Information about the status and health of the electric charging network from the utility's perspective, including any grid issues or outages that electric charging users should be aware of.
electric service requests info Information about the numbers and locations of requests for electric charging to enable the electric utility to plan and manage its grid resources.
host vehicle status Information provided to the ITS on-board equipment from other systems on the vehicle platform. This includes the current status of the powertrain, steering, and braking systems, and status of other safety and convenience systems. In implementations where GPS is not integrated into the Vehicle On-Board Equipment, the host vehicle is also the source for data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions (latitude, longitude, elevation) and accurate time that can be used for time synchronization across the ITS environment.
light vehicle driver input Driver input to the light vehicle on-board equipment including configuration data, settings and preferences, interactive requests, and control commands.
light vehicle driver updates Information provided to the light vehicle driver including visual displays, audible information and warnings, and haptic feedback. The updates inform the driver about current conditions, potential hazards, and the current status of vehicle on-board equipment.
meter control Control of meter to modify reporting data and intervals, and to enable controls over meter use, which could include current limits.
meter data Report of energy consumption, voltage levels, current, power factor and similar diagnostic and monitoring information.
payment methods A list of valid payment methods.
payment request Request for payment from financial institution or related financial service requests (e.g., balance inquiry)
service registry Catalogue of products and values, access rights and related information.
settlement Information exchanged to settle charges and distribute or debit accounts appropriate to the authorized charges.
usage and billing info Account, usage, charging, limits and similar information relevant to electric utility billing.
vehicle charging profile Vehicle information provided to an electric charging station including the operational status of the electrical system, the charging capacity for the vehicle, and % charge complete.

Goals and Objectives

Associated Planning Factors and Goals

Planning Factor Goal
E. Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, improve the quality of life, and promote consistency between transportation improvements and State and local planned growth and economic development patterns; Protect/Enhance the Environment

Associated Objective Categories

Objective Category
Environment: Clean Air

Associated Objectives and Performance Measures

Objective Performance Measure
Reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to X percent below year Y by year Z. Carbon dioxide emissions - tons per day
Reduce emissions of coarse particulates (PM10) by X percent by year Y. Course particular (PM10) levels - micrograms per cubic meter
Reduce emissions of coarse particulates (PM10) by X percent by year Y. Course particulate (PM10) emissions - tons per day
Reduce emissions of fine particulates (PM2.5) by X percent by year Y. Fine particulate (PM2.5) emissions - tons per day
Reduce emissions of fine particulates (PM2.5) by X percent by year Y. Fine particulate (PM2.5) levels - micrograms per cubic meter

Since the mapping between objectives and service packages is not always straight-forward and often situation-dependent, these mappings should only be used as a starting point. Users should do their own analysis to identify the best service packages for their region.

Needs and Requirements

Need Functional Object Requirement
01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations. Electric Charging Station Management 01 The field element shall provide the current charging status including current charge rate, estimated time to completion, and cost associated with the charge to the vehicle.
02 The field element shall provide the current vehicle charging status directly to drivers.
03 The field element shall provide charging station information, including location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure, to traveler information systems.
04 The field device shall accept electrical meter control commands from the center.
05 The field device shall provide data describing electrical meter performance to the center.
Light Vehicle Electric Charging Assist 01 Vehicle shall provide the operational status of the electrical system, the charging capacity and charging rate for the vehicle, and % charge complete to an electric charging station.
02 The vehicle shall receive current information about electric charging systems in the region available to the driver on request.
Light Vehicle Payment Service 05 The vehicle shall provide payment information on request under control of the vehicle owner/operator.
07 The vehicle shall receive and present to the vehicle operator the actual cost of vehicle electric charge.
PAC Payment Administration 23 The center shall collect customer usage and billing information from the electric utility.
02 Traveler Information needs to be able to provide electric charging station information to travelers. TIC Travel Services Information and Reservation 07 The center shall provide electric charging station information identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure for each station to travelers.
09 The center shall provide charging station information to electric vehicles in order to balance the supply and demand of charging facilities.
03 Electric Charging Management needs to be able to manage the operation of one or more public charging stations or fleet charging stations. Electric Charging Management 01 The center shall monitor the current operational status of charging stations under its management.
02 The center shall maintain the current charging rates for the charging stations under its management.
03 The center shall manage reservations and payment of charging services.
04 The center shall interface receive charging station power status from electric utilities in order to identify any power issues that might affect charging operations.
05 The center shall provide charging station information to traveler information systems.

Related Sources

Document Name Version Publication Date
SAE J3067- Candidate Improvements to Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary (SAE J2735)Using Systems Engineering Methods 8/15/2014


In order to participate in this service package, each physical object should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Physical Object Security
Physical Object Confidentiality Integrity Availability Security Class
Basic Vehicle  
Electric Charging Management Center Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Electric Charging Station Moderate Moderate High Class 5
Electric Utility Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Financial Center Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Light Vehicle OBE Moderate Moderate High Class 5
Payment Administration Center Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Payment Device Moderate Moderate High Class 5
Transportation Information Center Low Moderate Moderate Class 1

In order to participate in this service package, each information flow triple should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Information Flow Security
Source Destination Information Flow Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Basis Basis Basis
Basic Vehicle Light Vehicle OBE host vehicle status Low Moderate High
Unlikely that this includes any information that could be used against the originator. This can be MODERATE or HIGH, depending on the application: This is used later on to determine whether a vehicle is likely going to violate a red light or infringe a work zone. This needs to be correct in order for the application to work correctly. Since this monitors the health and safety of the vehicle and that information is eventually reported to the driver, it should be available at all times as it directly affects vehicle and operator safety.
Electric Charging Management Center Electric Charging Station electric charging station management information Moderate Moderate Moderate
Management flows should be concealed as part of defense-in-depth. This flow should be correct and timely so the station can be properly managed, or customers may not be able to charge when they need and expect to. This flow should be correct and timely so the station can be properly managed, or customers may not be able to charge when they need and expect to.
Electric Charging Management Center Electric Utility electric service requests info Moderate Moderate Moderate
May contain company proprietary information. This flow should be correct and timely so the station can be properly managed, or customers may not be able to charge when they need and expect to. This flow should be correct and timely so the station can be properly managed, or customers may not be able to charge when they need and expect to.
Electric Charging Management Center Payment Administration Center account updates Moderate Moderate Moderate
Electric Charging Management Center Payment Administration Center service registry Low Moderate Moderate
Much of this information will eventually be widely disseminated to transport users, though there seems little good reason to not obfuscate it. Could inconvience travelers if incorrect, and would hamper the operation of payment methods if incorrect or unavailable, which could have widespread network effect. Could inconvience travelers if incorrect, and would hamper the operation of payment methods if incorrect or unavailable, which could have widespread network effect.
Electric Charging Management Center Transportation Information Center electric charging station information Low Moderate Moderate
Intended for public use, so no reason to obfuscate. If this data is incorrect or unavailable a vehicle may not be able to charge when and where expected, potentially stranding the traveler or at least inconveniencing him. If this data is incorrect or unavailable a vehicle may not be able to charge when and where expected, potentially stranding the traveler or at least inconveniencing him.
Electric Charging Station Electric Charging Management Center electric charging station data Low Moderate Moderate
Intended for public use, so no reason to obfuscate. If this data is incorrect or unavailable a vehicle may not be able to charge when and where expected, potentially stranding the traveler or at least inconveniencing him. If this data is incorrect or unavailable a vehicle may not be able to charge when and where expected, potentially stranding the traveler or at least inconveniencing him.
Electric Charging Station Electric Utility meter data Moderate Moderate Low
Must be hidden from 3rd parties, who could observe usage patterns and use that information in criminal or other nefarious activity. Should be correct and timely or problems may be difficult to diagnose and solve. Should be correct and timely or problems may be difficult to diagnose and solve.
Electric Charging Station Light Vehicle Driver driver information Low Moderate Moderate
Unlikely that this contains any compromising information, though it may contain pricing and charging status information. Should be correct and timely so the driver is aware of the status of charging and payment. Should be correct and timely so the driver is aware of the status of charging and payment.
Electric Charging Station Light Vehicle OBE current charging status Not Applicable Moderate Moderate
Eventually intended for distribution to connected eletric vehicles, so no need to obfuscate. Vehicles may modify their behavior, route or intended charging times/locations as a result of this data. Incorrect or unavailable information would negatively impact them, but not catastrophically. Vehicles may modify their behavior, route or intended charging times/locations as a result of this data. Incorrect or unavailable information would negatively impact them, but not catastrophically.
Electric Charging Station Payment Administration Center authorization request Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains an identifier linked to an individual or specific device, and thus PII by definition. Compromise of one secureID would likely impact only one user, but the nature of this flow requires that the same algorithm be used for every user; algorithm compromise would harm every user, which would have widespread impact. Payment flows must all have some integrity protection and consistent availability to prohibit forgery and instill confidence in the payment process. Repurcussions of roadway payment are individually fairly small, collectiviely significant but probably never catastrophic. Thus MODERATE for both integrity and availability. Payment flows must all have some integrity protection and consistent availability to prohibit forgery and instill confidence in the payment process. Repurcussions of roadway payment are individually fairly small, collectiviely significant but probably never catastrophic. Thus MODERATE for both integrity and availability.
Electric Utility Electric Charging Management Center electric charging utility info Moderate Moderate Moderate
Management flows should be concealed as part of defense-in-depth. This flow should be correct and timely so the station can be properly managed, or customers may not be able to charge when they need and expect to. This flow should be correct and timely so the station can be properly managed, or customers may not be able to charge when they need and expect to.
Electric Utility Electric Charging Station meter control Moderate Moderate Moderate
Must be protected from manipulation by 3rd parties, who could cause significant harm if they could control the meter. Should be correct and timely or problems may be difficult to diagnose and solve. Should be correct and timely or problems may be difficult to diagnose and solve.
Electric Utility Payment Administration Center usage and billing info Moderate Moderate Moderate
May include PII and thus should be obfuscated. Drives information that may affect payment and user experience, which needs some level of assurance and consistency. Drives information that may affect payment and user experience, which needs some level of assurance and consistency.
Financial Center Payment Administration Center settlement Moderate Moderate Moderate
This may include PII and will include status information about a payment that could be used by a criminal for a variety of purposes, including identity theft, financial theft, or location-based activities, as the status is predictivie of what the account holder is doing and where they are doing it. Payment flows must all have some integrity protection and consistent availability to prohibit forgery and instill confidence in the payment process. Repurcussions of roadway payment are individually fairly small, collectiviely significant but probably never catastrophic. Thus MODERATE for both integrity and availability. Payment flows must all have some integrity protection and consistent availability to prohibit forgery and instill confidence in the payment process. Repurcussions of roadway payment are individually fairly small, collectiviely significant but probably never catastrophic. Thus MODERATE for both integrity and availability.
Light Vehicle Driver Light Vehicle OBE light vehicle driver input Moderate High High
Data included in this flow may include origin and destination information, which should be protected from other's viewing as it may compromise the driver's privacy. Commands from from the driver to the vehicle must be correct or the vehicle may behave in an unpredictable and possibly unsafe manner Commands must always be able to be given or the driver has no control.
Light Vehicle OBE Electric Charging Station actuate secure payment Moderate Moderate High
Contains an identifier linked to an individual or specific device, and thus PII by definition. Compromise of one secureID would likely impact only one user, but the nature of this flow requires that the same algorithm be used for every user; algorithm compromise would harm every user, which would have widespread impact. Payment related information needs to be correct or the user may be inconvenienced or defrauded. Contact/proximity payment mechanisms need to be very reliable or large numbers of users will be inconvenienced and the systems that use these interfaces (transit, parking etc.) will be hamstrung by interface failures.
Light Vehicle OBE Electric Charging Station vehicle charging profile Moderate Moderate Low
Probably doesn't include PII, but may include information describing the types of vehicles nearby. A criminal interested in such vehicles may find this information useful, so we should not make it easy for him to find. This information will be used to help manage the vehicle's charging requirements; incorrect data may at worst result in a stranded vehicle. Depending on the average occupancy of the charging station, this might increase to MODERATE. As long as stations are generally available, occasional failures should not cause issues for vehicles in need of charging.
Light Vehicle OBE Light Vehicle Driver light vehicle driver updates Not Applicable Moderate Moderate
This data is informing the driver about the safety of a nearby area. It should not contain anything sensitive, and does not matter if another person can observe it. This is the information that is presented to the driver. If they receive incorrect information, they may act in an unsafe manner. However, there are other indicators that would alert them to any hazards, such as an oncoming vehicle or crossing safety lights. If this information is not made available to the driver, then the system has not operated correctly.
Payment Administration Center Electric Charging Management Center payment methods Moderate Moderate Low
Payment methods should be widely disseminated and contain no information that could cause harm if exposed. Payment methods need to be correct so payment information can be exchanged. Could be LOW, as this should have redundancies and be able to tolerate significant latency. Payment methods need to be correct so payment information can be exchanged. Could be LOW, as this should have redundancies and be able to tolerate significant latency.
Payment Administration Center Electric Charging Station authorization response Moderate Moderate Moderate
While this may not contain any PII, it does expose behavior. While an observer in place may assume payment activity, there is no sound reason to not conceal this information. Payment flows must all have some integrity protection and consistent availability to prohibit forgery and instill confidence in the payment process. Repurcussions of roadway payment are individually fairly small, collectiviely significant but probably never catastrophic. Thus MODERATE for both integrity and availability. Payment flows must all have some integrity protection and consistent availability to prohibit forgery and instill confidence in the payment process. Repurcussions of roadway payment are individually fairly small, collectiviely significant but probably never catastrophic. Thus MODERATE for both integrity and availability.
Payment Administration Center Financial Center payment request Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains account and related information that is personal and if compromised could financially impact the owner of the account. Payment flows must all have some integrity protection and consistent availability to prohibit forgery and instill confidence in the payment process. Repurcussions of roadway payment are individually fairly small, collectiviely significant but probably never catastrophic. Thus MODERATE for both integrity and availability. Payment flows must all have some integrity protection and consistent availability to prohibit forgery and instill confidence in the payment process. Repurcussions of roadway payment are individually fairly small, collectiviely significant but probably never catastrophic. Thus MODERATE for both integrity and availability.
Payment Device Electric Charging Station actuate secure payment Moderate Moderate High
Contains an identifier linked to an individual or specific device, and thus PII by definition. Compromise of one secureID would likely impact only one user, but the nature of this flow requires that the same algorithm be used for every user; algorithm compromise would harm every user, which would have widespread impact. Payment related information needs to be correct or the user may be inconvenienced or defrauded. Contact/proximity payment mechanisms need to be very reliable or large numbers of users will be inconvenienced and the systems that use these interfaces (transit, parking etc.) will be hamstrung by interface failures.
Payment Device Light Vehicle OBE actuate secure payment Moderate Moderate High
Contains an identifier linked to an individual or specific device, and thus PII by definition. Compromise of one secureID would likely impact only one user, but the nature of this flow requires that the same algorithm be used for every user; algorithm compromise would harm every user, which would have widespread impact. Payment related information needs to be correct or the user may be inconvenienced or defrauded. Contact/proximity payment mechanisms need to be very reliable or large numbers of users will be inconvenienced and the systems that use these interfaces (transit, parking etc.) will be hamstrung by interface failures.
Transportation Information Center Light Vehicle OBE electric charging services inventory Low Moderate Moderate
Intended for public use, so no reason to obfuscate. If this data is incorrect or unavailable a vehicle may not be able to charge when and where expected, potentially stranding the traveler or at least inconveniencing him. If this data is incorrect or unavailable a vehicle may not be able to charge when and where expected, potentially stranding the traveler or at least inconveniencing him.


The following table lists the standards associated with physical objects in this service package. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.

Name Title Physical Object
NEMA TS 8 Cyber and Physical Security Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems Payment Administration Center

System Requirements

System Requirement Need
001 The system shall monitor the current operational status of charging stations under its management. 03 Electric Charging Management needs to be able to manage the operation of one or more public charging stations or fleet charging stations.
002 The system shall provide electric charging station information identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure for each station to travelers. 02 Traveler Information needs to be able to provide electric charging station information to travelers.
004 The system shall collect customer usage and billing information from the electric utility. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.
005 The system shall maintain the current charging rates for the charging stations under its management. 03 Electric Charging Management needs to be able to manage the operation of one or more public charging stations or fleet charging stations.
006 The system shall provide charging station information to electric vehicles in order to balance the supply and demand of charging facilities. 02 Traveler Information needs to be able to provide electric charging station information to travelers.
007 The system shall manage reservations and payment of charging services. 03 Electric Charging Management needs to be able to manage the operation of one or more public charging stations or fleet charging stations.
008 The system shall provide the current charging status including current charge rate, estimated time to completion, and cost associated with the charge to the vehicle. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.
009 The system shall interface receive charging station power status from electric utilities in order to identify any power issues that might affect charging operations. 03 Electric Charging Management needs to be able to manage the operation of one or more public charging stations or fleet charging stations.
010 The system shall provide charging station information to traveler information systems. 03 Electric Charging Management needs to be able to manage the operation of one or more public charging stations or fleet charging stations.
011 The system shall provide data describing electrical meter performance to the center. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.
012 The system shall provide the current vehicle charging status directly to drivers. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.
013 The system shall accept electrical meter control commands from the center. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.
014 The system shall provide charging station information, including location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure, to traveler information systems. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.
015 The system shall provide the operational status of the electrical system, the charging capacity and charging rate for the vehicle, and % charge complete to an electric charging station. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.
016 The system shall receive current information about electric charging systems in the region available to the driver on request. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.
017 The system shall provide payment information on request under control of the vehicle owner/operator. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.
018 The system shall receive and present to the vehicle operator the actual cost of vehicle electric charge. 01 Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.