Commercial Vehicle OBE --> Commercial Vehicle Driver:
cv driver information presentation


cv driver information presentation (Information Flow): Presentation of information to the commercial vehicle driver that includes current status of on-board systems.

Commercial Vehicle OBE (Source Physical Object): The Commercial Vehicle On-Board Equipment (OBE) resides in a commercial vehicle and provides the sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support safe and efficient commercial vehicle operations. It provides two-way communications between the commercial vehicle drivers, their fleet managers, attached freight equipment, and roadside officials. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including commercial vehicles. The Commercial Vehicle OBE supplements these general ITS capabilities with capabilities that are specific to commercial vehicles.

Commercial Vehicle Driver (Destination Physical Object): The 'Commercial Vehicle Driver' represents the people that operate vehicles transporting goods, including both long haul trucks and local pick-up and delivery vans. This physical object is complementary to the Driver physical object in that it represents those interactions which are unique to Commercial Vehicle Operations. Information flowing from the Commercial Vehicle Driver includes those system inputs specific to Commercial Vehicle Operations.

Included In

This Triple is in the following Service Packages:

This triple is associated with the following Functional Objects:

This Triple is described by the following Functional View Data Flows:

This Triple has the following triple relationships:

Communication Solutions

No communications solutions identified.


None defined

Interoperability Description
Not Applicable Interoperability ratings don't apply per se to some types of interfaces like human interfaces. These interfaces may still benefit from associated standards (e.g., ergonomic and human factors standards for human interfaces), but the primary motive for these standards is not interoperability.


Information Flow Security
  Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Rating Low Moderate Moderate
Basis This data is informing the driver of operational information that is relevant to the operation of the vehicle. It should not contain anything sensitive, and does not matter if another person can observe it. Data should be correct as it relates to CVO, however there is generally another mechanism to double-check this data, which is why it is MODERATE and not HIGH. Flow should be available as it relates to CVO, however there is generally another mechanism through which this data might be received, which is why it is MODERATE and not HIGH.