Transportation Information Center --> Other Transportation Information Centers:
traffic images

This triple is bi-directional. See also Other Transportation Information Centers --> Transportation Information Center: traffic images


traffic images (Information Flow): High fidelity, real-time traffic images suitable for surveillance monitoring by the operator or for use in machine vision applications. This flow includes the images. Meta data that describes the images is contained in another flow.

Transportation Information Center (Source Physical Object): The 'Transportation Information Center' collects, processes, stores, and disseminates transportation information to system operators and the traveling public. The physical object can play several different roles in an integrated ITS. In one role, the TIC provides a data collection, fusing, and repackaging function, collecting information from transportation system operators and redistributing this information to other system operators in the region and other TICs. In this information redistribution role, the TIC provides a bridge between the various transportation systems that produce the information and the other TICs and their subscribers that use the information. The second role of a TIC is focused on delivery of traveler information to subscribers and the public at large. Information provided includes basic advisories, traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, yellow pages information, ride matching information, and parking information. The TIC is commonly implemented as a website or a web-based application service, but it represents any traveler information distribution service.

Other Transportation Information Centers (Destination Physical Object): Representing another Transportation Information Center, this object is intended to provide a source and destination for ITS information flows between peer information and service provider functions. It enables cooperative information sharing between providers as conditions warrant.

Included In

This Triple is in the following Service Packages:

This triple is associated with the following Functional Objects:

This Triple is described by the following Functional View Data Flows:

This Triple has the following triple relationships:

Communication Solutions

No communications solutions identified.


Characteristic Value
Time Context Recent
Spatial Context Regional
Acknowledgement False
Cardinality Unicast
Initiator Destination
Authenticable True
Encrypt False

Interoperability Description
Regional Interoperability throughout the geopolitical region is highly desirable, but if implemented differently in different transportation management jurisdictions, significant benefits will still accrue in each jurisdiction. Regardless, this Information Flow Triple should be implemented consistently within a transportation jurisdiction (i.e., the scope of a regional architecture).


Information Flow Security
  Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Rating Low Moderate Low
Basis Traffic image data is generally intended for public consumption, and in any event is already video captured in the public arena, so this must be LOW. Generally transportation coordination information should be correct between source and destination, or inappropriate actions may be taken. While useful, there is no signficant impact if this flow is not available.

Security Characteristics Value
Authenticable True
Encrypt False