Micromobility Vehicle OBE --> MMV User:
personal updates


personal updates (Information Flow): Personal information, alerts, and warnings provided to pedestrians, micromobility vehicle (MMV) users, work crew members, and other individuals in a mixed use area. This includes visual, audio, and haptic outputs that may be customized to support individual needs.

Micromobility Vehicle OBE (Source Physical Object): The Micromobility Vehicle On-Board Equipment (MMV OBE) provides the vehicle-based sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions that support efficient, safe, and convenient travel. The MMV OBE includes general capabilities that apply to bicycles and other low-powered mobility devices such as e-scooters, powered wheelchairs, and power assisted bicycles. The MMV OBE includes the common interfaces and functions that could apply to any low-powered mobility device. The radio(s) supporting V2V and V2I communications are a key component of the MMV OBE. Both one-way and two-way communications options support a spectrum of information services from basic broadcast to advanced personalized information services. Advanced sensors, processors, and enhanced traveler interfaces (through PIDs), complement traveler information services so that, in addition to making informed mode and route selections, the vulnerable road user travels these routes in a safer and more consistent manner.

MMV User (Destination Physical Object): The 'MMV User' represents the person that operates a micromobility vehicle (MMV). Included are cyclists and operators of other low-powered mobility devices such as e-scooters, powered wheelchairs, and power assisted bicycles where the interactions are not particular to the type of vehicle (e.g., interactions supporting vehicle safety applications). The MMV User participates in ITS services that support safe, shared use of the transportation network by motorized and non-motorized transportation modes. Representing those using non-motorized travel modes, and in particular bicyclists that sometimes share motor vehicle lanes, these MMV users provide input (e.g. a call signal requesting right of way at an intersection) and may be detected by ITS services to improve safety. The MMV User originates requests and receives information that reflects the interactions which might be useful to all users, regardless of vehicle type.

Included In

This Triple is in the following Service Packages:

This triple is associated with the following Functional Objects:

This Triple is described by the following Functional View Data Flows:

This Triple has the following triple relationships:

Communication Solutions

No communications solutions identified.


None defined

Interoperability Description
Not Applicable Interoperability ratings don't apply per se to some types of interfaces like human interfaces. These interfaces may still benefit from associated standards (e.g., ergonomic and human factors standards for human interfaces), but the primary motive for these standards is not interoperability.


Information Flow Security
  Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Rating Not Applicable Moderate Moderate
Basis This data is informing the pedestrian about the safety of the intersections. It should not contain anything sensitive, and does not matter if another person can observe it. This is the information that is presented to the individual. If they receive incorrect information, they may act in an unsafe manner. However, there are other indicators that would alert them to any hazards, such as an oncoming vehicle or crossing safety lights. If this information is not made available to the pedestrian, then the system has not operated correctly.