Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE --> Basic Maint and Constr Vehicle:
maint and constr vehicle control


maint and constr vehicle control (Information Flow): Control data sent from on-board ITS systems to control maintenance and construction vehicle equipment, including control of materials dispersion rate and other control functions that will vary with vehicle type and application.

Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE (Source Physical Object): The 'Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE' resides in a maintenance, construction, or other specialized service vehicle or equipment and provides the processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support highway maintenance and construction. All types of maintenance and construction vehicles are covered, including heavy equipment, supervisory vehicles, unmanned remote controlled field maintenance robots, and sensory platforms that may be wheeled or low altitude aerial vehicles (e.g. drones, balloons). The MCV OBE provides two-way communications between drivers/operators and dispatchers and maintains and communicates current location and status information. A wide range of operational status is monitored, measured, and made available, depending on the specific type of vehicle or equipment. A snow plow for example, would monitor whether the plow is up or down and material usage information. The Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE may also contain capabilities to monitor vehicle systems to support maintenance of the vehicle itself. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports the general vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including maintenance and construction vehicles. The Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE supplements these general capabilities with capabilities that are specific to maintenance and construction vehicles.

Basic Maint and Constr Vehicle (Destination Physical Object): The 'Basic Maint and Constr Vehicle' represents the maintenance, construction, or other specialized vehicle or equipment that hosts the on-board equipment that provides ITS functionality. It includes the databus, actuators, and other access points that are used by the on-board equipment to monitor and control the host vehicle systems. For example, the interface to this physical object is used to control the operation of the snow plow and monitor the amount of materials (e.g., sand or salt) on-board.

Included In

This Triple is in the following Service Packages:

This triple is associated with the following Functional Objects:

This Triple is described by the following Functional View Data Flows:

This Triple has the following triple relationships:

Communication Solutions

No communications solutions identified.


Characteristic Value
Time Context Now
Spatial Context Adjacent
Acknowledgement True
Cardinality Unicast
Initiator Source
Authenticable True
Encrypt True

Interoperability Description
Local In cases where an interface is normally encapsulated by a single stakeholder, interoperability is still desirable, but the motive is vendor independence and the efficiencies and choices that an open standards-based interface provides.


Information Flow Security
  Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Rating Moderate High High
Basis While time reference should be universally available, time reference coupled with vehicle location is tracking data. This flow is internal to a vehicle, but should probably be encrypted to discourage hacking and snooping on the vehicle bus. Thus MODERATE. Location and time data is the basis for crash imminent safety and a host of other applications. Corruption of this flow could lead directly to a vehicle accident. If this information is not available, crash imminent safety applications depending on this information will not function properly.

Security Characteristics Value
Authenticable True
Encrypt True