Emergency Vehicle OBE --> Emergency Personnel:
emergency personnel information presentation


emergency personnel information presentation (Information Flow): Presentation of information to emergency personnel in the field including dispatch information, incident information, current road network conditions, device status, and other supporting information.

Emergency Vehicle OBE (Source Physical Object): The 'Emergency Vehicle On-Board Equipment' (OBE) resides in an emergency vehicle and provides the processing, storage, and communications functions that support public safety-related connected vehicle applications. It represents a range of vehicles including those operated by police, fire, and emergency medical services. In addition, it represents other incident response vehicles including towing and recovery vehicles and freeway service patrols. It includes two-way communications to support coordinated response to emergencies. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports the general vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including emergency vehicles. The Emergency Vehicle OBE supplements these general capabilities with capabilities that are specific to emergency vehicles.

Emergency Personnel (Destination Physical Object): 'Emergency Personnel' represents personnel that are responsible for police, fire, emergency medical services, towing, service patrols, and other special response team (e.g., hazardous material clean-up) activities at an incident site. These personnel are associated with the Emergency Vehicle during dispatch to the incident site, but often work independently of the Emergency Vehicle while providing their incident response services.

Communication Solutions

No communications solutions identified.


None defined

Interoperability Description
Not Applicable Interoperability ratings don't apply per se to some types of interfaces like human interfaces. These interfaces may still benefit from associated standards (e.g., ergonomic and human factors standards for human interfaces), but the primary motive for these standards is not interoperability.


Information Flow Security
  Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Rating Moderate Moderate Moderate
Basis Some of this information, such as incident information, is sensitive and should be protected. This information could affect how the Emergency Personnel respond to the event, and should be as accurate as possible. This information needs to be available for the Emergency Personnel in order for them to respond accurately to the system. If they do not acknowledge this information, dispatch needs to know, so they can attempt to contact the Emergency Personnel via another channel, such as radio.