Performance Measures

Incorporating performance measures into the transportation plan serves an important function for communicating and coordinating between decisionmakers, policymakers, and the public and for assessing progress toward achieving the goals and objectives outlined in the plan. Performance measures figure prominently in the Congestion Management Process and the Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based approach to planning for operations, reflecting the current focus on performance-based planning. Combined with data and analysis tools, performance measures serve an important role in helping to provide a basis for prioritizing investments.

Like the objectives, the performance measures that are included in the Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT) are derived from a variety of resources, including the Planning for Operations Desk Reference, recent long range plans, and connected vehicle prototype development efforts. Performance measures should be tailored to the specific needs of the region and established cooperatively by the State(s), affected MPO(s), and local officials in consultation with the operators of major modes of transportation in the coverage area. Select a performance measure to see the source document for that performance measure along with the associated goal, objective, and service package(s).

Objective Category Performance Measure
Arterial Management: Access Management Distance between intersections on major arterials in the region.
Arterial Management: Access Management Percent driveway access on major arterials for new developments.
Arterial Management: Delay Control delay seconds per vehicle.
Arterial Management: Delay Percent of arterial miles in region operating at LOS Z.
Arterial Management: Reliability The buffer index (represents the extra time (buffer) travelers add to their average travel time when planning trips in order to arrive on-time 95 percent of the time).
Arterial Management: Reliability Hours of delay associated with incidents.
Arterial Management: Traffic Monitoring and Data Collection Number of field data collection studies performed every Y and X years on major and minor signalized arterials, respectively.
Arterial Management: Traffic Monitoring and Data Collection Percent of intersections in the region equipped and operating with traffic signals that enable real-time monitoring and management of traffic flows.
Arterial Management: Traffic Monitoring and Data Collection Percent of major and minor arterials equipped and operating with arterial link traffic data detection stations (appropriate technology) per Z distance.
Arterial Management: Traffic Monitoring and Data Collection Percent of major and minor arterials equipped and operating with closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras per Z distance.
Arterial Management: Traffic Signal Management Number of traffic signals evaluated for retiming.
Arterial Management: Traffic Signal Management Number of intersections running in a coordinated, closed-loop, or adaptive system.
Arterial Management: Traffic Signal Management Number of miles of arterials that have at least one special timing plan for incidents, construction, or events.
Arterial Management: Traffic Signal Management Number of years between reviews of crash data on all arterials for possible signal timing impacts.
Emergency/Incident Management: Customer Satisfaction Percentage of customers satisfied with region's incident management practices.
Emergency/Incident Management: Evacuation Times Per capita time to evacuate.
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Average incident notification time of necessary response agencies.
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Mean time for needed responders to arrive on-scene after notification.
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Mean incident clearance time per incident.
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Mean roadway clearance time per incident.
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration Mean time of incident duration.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination Percentage of incident management agencies in region participating in multi-modal information exchange network.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination Number of agencies in the region with interoperable voice communications.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination Number of participating agencies in a regional coordinated incident response team.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination Number of TIM corridors in the region covered by regional coordinated incident response teams.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination Number of multi-agency after-action reviews per year.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination Percentage of responding agencies participating in after-action review.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination X percent of transportation operating agencies that have a plan in place for a representative to be at the local (city or county) EOC or State EOC to coordinate strategic activities and response planning for transportation during emergencies.
Emergency/Incident Management: Person Hours of Delay Person hours (or vehicle hours) of delay associated with traffic incidents.
Emergency/Incident Management: Training Number of joint training exercises conducted among operators and emergency responders.
Emergency/Incident Management: Training Percent of staff having completed NIMS training and percent of transportation responders familiar with ICS.
Emergency/Incident Management: Traveler Information Time to alert motorists of an incident/emergency.
Emergency/Incident Management: Traveler Information Number of repeat visitors to traveler information website (or 511 system).
Emergency/Incident Management: Traveler Information Time between recovery from incident and removal of traveler alerts.
Emergency/Incident Management: Use of Technology Number of ITS-related assets in use for incident detection.
Emergency/Incident Management: Use of Technology Number of regional roadway miles covered by ITS-related assets in use for incident detection.
Emergency/Incident Management: Use of Technology Number of traffic signals equipped with emergency vehicle preemption.
Environment: Clean Air Fine particulate (PM2.5) emissions - tons per day
Environment: Clean Air Course particulate (PM10) emissions - tons per day
Environment: Clean Air Carbon dioxide emissions - tons per day
Environment: Clean Air Fine particulate (PM2.5) levels - micrograms per cubic meter
Environment: Clean Air Course particular (PM10) levels - micrograms per cubic meter
Freeway Management: Efficiency Hours of delay (vehicle-hours or person-hours).
Freeway Management: Efficiency Hours of delay per capita or driver.
Freeway Management: Efficiency Miles at LOS X or V/C > 1.0 (or other threshold).
Freeway Management: HOV Lanes Total number of HOV lane miles in a region.
Freeway Management: HOV Lanes Share of freeway network with HOV lanes.
Freeway Management: HOV Lanes Minimum and Average speeds in HOV lanes.
Freeway Management: HOV Lanes Vehicle volume and persons per hour per lane.
Freeway Management: HOV Lanes Number of vehicles violating HOV restrictions.
Freeway Management: Managed Lanes Miles of managed lanes.
Freeway Management: Managed Lanes Share of freeway network with managed lanes (by class of traveler).
Freeway Management: Managed Lanes Average speeds in managed lanes.
Freeway Management: Managed Lanes Vehicle volumes in managed lanes.
Freeway Management: Managed Lanes Passenger volumes in managed lanes.
Freeway Management: Pricing and Tolling Percentage of drivers with ETC transponders.
Freeway Management: Pricing and Tolling Share of toll roads and bridges using variable pricing.
Freeway Management: Pricing and Tolling Lane miles that are priced.
Freeway Management: Ramp Management Percent of interchanges operating at LOS Z or above during peak periods (per year).
Freeway Management: Ramp Management Total number of congestion-inducing incidents at freeway interchanges during peak period (per year).
Freeway Management: Ramp Management Total number of ramp meters (by year of installation).
Freeway Management: Reliability The buffer index (represents the extra time (buffer) travelers add to their average travel time when planning trips in order to arrive on-time 95 percent of the time).
Freeway Management: Reliability Hours of delay associated with incidents.
Freeway Management: Transportation Management Centers Total amount of TMC equipment.
Freeway Management: Transportation Management Centers Number of hours of TMC operation and number of staff serving the TMC.
Freeway Management: Transportation Management Centers Percent of regional transportation system monitored by the TMC for real-time performance.
Freight Management: Border Crossing Average border crossing time for freight at international borders per year.
Freight Management: Border Crossing Percent of weigh stations and border crossings in the region that use electronic credentialing.
Freight Management: Border Crossing Average inspection time
Freight Management: Border Crossing Number of freight vehicles going through automated detection
Freight Management: Customer Satisfaction Percentage of customers satisfied with region's freight management practices.
Freight Management: Detours and Routing Percent of detours of freeways and major arterials that can accommodate commercial vehicles.
Freight Management: Detours and Routing Percent of freight-significant routes where traveler alerts and alternate route information is provided in the case of incidents, special events, weather, construction, and severe congestion at choke points.
Freight Management: Intermodal Facilities Frequency of delays per month at intermodal facilities where a delay is defined as an addition of Z minutes to free flow conditions.
Freight Management: Intermodal Facilities Average duration of delays per month at intermodal facilities.
Freight Management: Permitting and Credentials Process Average length of permitting/credential process
Freight Management: Permitting and Credentials Process Number of automated permits/credentials issued
Freight Management: Travel Time Delay Mobility index for system users defined as [Ton-miles of travel] / [Vehicle-miles of travel * Average speed].
Freight Management: Travel Time Delay Travel time index: ratio of observed average travel time to free-flow travel time.
Freight Management: Travel Time Delay Point-to-point travel times on selected freight-significant highways.
Freight Management: Travel Time Delay Hours of delay per 1,000 vehicle miles on selected freight-significant highways.
Freight Management: Travel Time Reliability Buffer Index on regional freight routes during peak and off-peak period.
Integration: Connectivity Average door-to-door trip time.
Integration: Connectivity Average cost of transfers.
Integration: Transportation Data Collection Amount of data gathered from ITS enhancements used in infrastructure and operations planning
Integration: Transportation Data Collection Number of planning activities using data from ITS systems
Integration: Transportation Data Collection Years of data in database that is easily searchable and extractable
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Pavement condition index
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Distressed pavement condition lane miles
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Number of assets tracked in real-time
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Percentage of geographic jurisdiction covered by agency electronic communications
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Extended pavement life due to truck weight enforcement
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Percentage of maintenance activities completed in required time-frame
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Rate at which equipment is utilized
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Percentage of fleet/equipment within lifecycle
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Vehicle operating costs
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Number of size and weight violations
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Percentage of pavements in Good condition (Interstate System)
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Percentage of pavements in Poor condition (Interstate System)
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Percentage of pavements in Good condition (non-Interstate NHS)
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Percentage of pavements in Poor condition (non-Interstate NHS)
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Percentage of NHS bridges in Good condition
Preservation: Preserve Existing Infrastructure Percentage of NHS bridges in Poor condition
Preservation: Transit Maintenance Average number of transit miles per service call
Preservation: Transit Maintenance Number of fleet vehicles with maintenance diagnostic equipment
Preservation: Transit Maintenance Number of vehicles operating under computer-aided dispatch.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Total crashes per X VMT.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Total fatalities per X VMT.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Total severe injuries per X VMT.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Total crashes involving pedestrians.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Total crashes involving bicycles.
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities related to weather conditions
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities related to unexpected congestion
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of secondary crashes
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities related to red-light running
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities due to commercial vehicle safety violations
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities related to inappropriate lane departure, crossing or merging
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities at railroad crossings
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities at signalized intersections
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities at unsignalized intersections
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities related to excessive speeding
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of speed violations
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities related to driving while intoxicated
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities related to driver inattention and distraction
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of fatalities
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Rate of fatalities (rate per vehicle miles travelled (VMT))
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of serious injuries
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Rate of serious injuries (rate per VMT)
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of fatalities in crashes involving a driver or motorcycle operator with a BAC of.08 and above
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of speeding-related fatalities
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of pedestrian fatalities
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities Number of motorcyclist fatalities
Safety: Worker Safety Number of public safety personnel struck by vehicle at incident/emergency site
Safety: Worker Safety Number of public safety vehicles struck at incident/emergency site
Safety: Worker Safety Number of crashes and fatalities in work zones
Safety: Worker Safety Number of workers injured by vehicles in work zones
Security: Crime Number of transit facilities and vehicles under security surveillance
Security: Crime Number of security incidents on transit vehicles
Security: Crime Number of security incidents at transit facilities
Security: Crime Number of security incidents on roadways
Security: Crime Number of critical sites with security surveillance
Security: Crime Number of security incidents on transportation infrastructure
Security: Crime Number of critical sites with hardened security enhancements
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of transit facilities and vehicles under security surveillance
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of security incidents on transit vehicles
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of security incidents at transit facilities
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of security incidents on roadways
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of critical sites with security surveillance
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of security incidents on transportation infrastructure
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of critical sites with hardened security enhancements
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of Hazmat incidents
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of homeland security incidents
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Homeland security incident response time
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents Number of Hazmat shipments tracked in real-time
Special Event Management: Entry/Exit Travel Times Average travel time to selected special events from a set of locations in the area over a year.
Special Event Management: Entry/Exit Travel Times Average travel time away from selected special events to a set of locations over a year.
Special Event Management: Entry/Exit Travel Times Average time to clear event's exiting queue by year per event.
Special Event Management: Entry/Exit Travel Times Non-special event VMT in the event area during events over a year.
Special Event Management: Entry/Exit Travel Times Buffer time index for travelers to multiple similar special events.
Special Event Management: Mode Shift from SOV Percent of special event attendees using single-occupancy vehicles each year for selected events.
Special Event Management: Mode Shift from SOV Percent of special event attendees utilizing park & ride lots each year for selected events.
Special Event Management: Mode Shift from SOV Percent of special events with dedicated shuttle service for selected events during a 1-year period.
Special Event Management: Multi-Agency Coordination and Training Percent of stakeholder agencies participating agencies in a regional special event management team.
Special Event Management: Multi-Agency Coordination and Training Number of agencies special event management responsibilities using interoperable communications.
Special Event Management: Multi-Agency Coordination and Training Percent of special events that include a pre-event and post-event briefing.
Special Event Management: Multi-Agency Coordination and Training Number of special event-related exercises performed among stakeholders.
Special Event Management: Parking Management Number of special events that use shared parking facilities.
Special Event Management: Parking Management Percent of parking spaces near special event locations that use flexible pricing mechanisms.
Special Event Management: Parking Management Percent of routes widely used during planned special events with on-street parking restrictions.
Special Event Management: Parking Management Percent decrease in time to clear parking lots.
Special Event Management: Parking Management Number parking facilities with electronic fee collection
Special Event Management: Parking Management Number of parking facilities with automated occupancy counting and space management
Special Event Management: Parking Management Number of parking facilities with advanced parking information to customers
Special Event Management: Parking Management Number of parking facilities with coordinated availability information
Special Event Management: Parking Management Number of parking facilities with electronic fee collection
Special Event Management: Parking Management Number of parking facilities with coordinated electronic payment systems
Special Event Management: Traveler Information Number of effective methods to disseminate special event information to travelers.
Special Event Management: Traveler Information Percent of special events with expected attendance over Z that traveler information is disseminated at least X hours prior to the event.
Special Event Management: Use of Technology Percent of special events using ITS-related assets to detect and manage incidents/bottlenecks at entry/exit routes of the events.
Special Event Management: Use of Technology Percent of major special events each year in which a special event traffic signal timing plan was implemented.
System Efficiency: Cost of Congestion Cost (in dollars) of congestion or delay per capita.
System Efficiency: Delay Hours of delay (person-hours).
System Efficiency: Delay Hours of delay per capita.
System Efficiency: Delay Hours of delay per driver.
System Efficiency: Duration of Congestion Hours per day at LOS F or V/C > 1.0 (or other threshold).
System Efficiency: Energy Consumption Total energy consumed per capita for transportation.
System Efficiency: Energy Consumption Total fuel consumed per capita for transportation.
System Efficiency: Energy Consumption Excess fuel consumed (total or per capita).
System Efficiency: Extent of Congestion Percent of lane-miles (or rail) operating at LOS F or V/C > 1.0
System Efficiency: Extent of Congestion Percent of intersections operating at LOS F or V/C > 1.0
System Efficiency: Intensity of Congestion (Travel Time Index) Travel time index (the average travel time during the peak period, using congested speeds, divided by the off-peak period travel time, using posted or free-flow speeds).
System Efficiency: Travel Time Average commute trip travel time (minutes).
System Efficiency: Travel Time Average travel time during peak periods (minutes).
System Efficiency: Trip Connectivity Average door-to-door trip time.
System Efficiency: Trip Connectivity Average cost of transfers.
System Efficiency: Vehicle Miles Traveled Average VMT per capita per day, per week, or per year.
System Options: Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility and Efficiency Average delay for pedestrians and bicyclists on primary ped/bike routes.
System Options: Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility and Efficiency The number of roadways with bicycle lanes.
System Options: Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility and Efficiency Percent of roadways with bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
System Options: Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility and Efficiency The percentage of intersections with pedestrian features.
System Options: Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility and Efficiency Average pedestrian (or bicyclist) comfort level as measured by survey.
System Options: Modal Options for Individuals with Disabilities The percent of intersections with ADA provisions.
System Options: Modal Options for Individuals with Disabilities The percent of individuals with disabilities that can access transit.
System Options: Modal Options for Individuals with Disabilities The percent of transit stops with ADA provisions.
System Options: Mode Share SOV commute trips per capita.
System Options: Mode Share Share of employees walking, biking, telecommuting, carpooling/vanpooling, riding transit, driving alone.
System Options: Mode Share Share of trips by each mode of travel.
System Options: Mode Share Percent of all trips made using alternative modes in transit station communities.
System Options: Transit Use Percent of all trips made by transit.
System Options: Transit Use Percent of all peak-period trips made by transit.
System Options: Transit Use Number of riders on various transit units per trip at peak travel times.
System Options: Transit Use Number of passenger miles traveled per capita.
System Options: Travel Time - Transit Compared to Auto Transit to auto travel time differential for a given period (daily, hourly, or peak hours), on a given portion of the system (system wide, by facility type, or by corridor).
System Reliability: Non-Recurring Delay Travel time delay during scheduled and/or unscheduled disruptions to travel.
System Reliability: Non-Recurring Delay Total person hours of delay during scheduled and/or unscheduled disruptions to travel.
System Reliability: Planning Time Index The planning time index represents the time that must be added to travel time at free-flow speeds or the posted speed limit to ensure on time arrivals for 95 percent of the trips. Planning time = 95th percentile travel time (minutes) – Travel time at free-flow speed or posted speed limit. Average planning time index or planning time can be computed using a weighted average over person miles traveled.
System Reliability: Transit On-Time Performance On-time performance of transit.
System Reliability: Travel Time 90th/95th Percentile 95th or 90th percentile travel times for selected routes.
System Reliability: Travel Time Buffer Index The buffer index represents the extra time (buffer) most travelers add to their average travel time when planning trips. This is the extra time between the average travel time and near-worst case travel time (95th percentile). The buffer index is stated as a percentage of the average travel time. Average buffer index or buffer time can be calculated using miles traveled as a weighting factor. Buffer time = 95th percentile travel time (min) – average travel time (min).
System Reliability: Variability Variance of travel time. Variance is the sum of the squared deviations from the mean. This can also be calculated as the standard deviation of travel time. Standard deviation is the square root of variance.
Transit Operations and Management: Automated Fare Collection Percent of transit providers using the region's automated fare collection system.
Transit Operations and Management: Automated Fare Collection Number of additional modes/service integrated into the fare collection system.
Transit Operations and Management: Automated Fare Collection Percent of fares collected using automated fare collection.
Transit Operations and Management: Automated Fare Collection Percent of total transfers performed with automated fare cards.
Transit Operations and Management: Customer Service Complaint rate.
Transit Operations and Management: Customer Service Customer satisfaction rating
Transit Operations and Management: Demand Responsive Transit Passenger miles per vehicle
Transit Operations and Management: Demand Responsive Transit Passenger trips per vehicle
Transit Operations and Management: Demand Responsive Transit Operating expense per passenger trip
Transit Operations and Management: Demand Responsive Transit Operating expense per passenger mile
Transit Operations and Management: Demand Responsive Transit Customer satisfaction ratings
Transit Operations and Management: Demand Responsive Transit Demand response passenger pick-up on-time performance
Transit Operations and Management: Line-Haul Transit Average line-haul transit travel speeds for specified line-haul transit routes.
Transit Operations and Management: Line-Haul Transit Average line-haul transit on-time performance for specified line-haul transit routes.
Transit Operations and Management: Line-Haul Transit Number of line-haul transit routes operating with travel times equal to or less than average auto travel times on same corridors/parallel corridors.
Transit Operations and Management: Loading Standards Load factor.
Transit Operations and Management: Loading Standards Maximum passenger loads.
Transit Operations and Management: Loading Standards Maximum standees.
Transit Operations and Management: Loading Standards Duration of standee time.
Transit Operations and Management: Park-and-Ride Support Number of users aware of park-and-ride lots in their region.
Transit Operations and Management: Park-and-Ride Support Percent of park-and-ride areas with pedestrian and bicycle access.
Transit Operations and Management: Park-and-Ride Support Number of auto/bicycle spaces at the park-and-ride lots
Transit Operations and Management: Safety Number of CCTV cameras on platforms, park-n-ride lots, vehicles, and other transit facilities.
Transit Operations and Management: Safety Personal safety and customer service ratings.
Transit Operations and Management: Safety Number of reported personal safety incidents.
Transit Operations and Management: Service Directness Percent of trips with no more than Y transfers.
Transit Operations and Management: Service Directness Scheduled transfer times between routes.
Transit Operations and Management: Transit Signal Priority Number of transit routes/intersections equipped with transit signal priority capability.
Transit Operations and Management: Transit Signal Priority System-wide signalized stop delay on transit routes.
Transit Operations and Management: Transit Signal Priority Travel time delay on routes with queue jumping and automated vehicle location in use.
Transit Operations and Management: Traveler Information Number of shelters/platforms equipped with real-time arrival displays per year.
Transit Operations and Management: Traveler Information Number of web-based trip planner requests per year.
Transit Operations and Management: Traveler Information Percent of stops with up-to-date schedule information available within X days of schedule changes.
Transit Operations and Management: Traveler Information Availability of transit traveler information on 511 web and phone service.
Transit Operations and Management: Traveler Information The number of routes in which Wi-Fi service was installed.
Travel Demand Management: Auto Commuter Trip Reduction Programs Percent of major employers with active TDM programs.
Travel Demand Management: Auto Commuter Trip Reduction Programs Commuter VMT per regional employee.
Travel Demand Management: Carpool/Vanpool Share of household trips by each mode of travel.
Travel Demand Management: Carpool/Vanpool Number of trips in region.
Travel Demand Management: Carpool/Vanpool Availability of carpool/vanpool matching and ridesharing information services.
Travel Demand Management: Carpool/Vanpool Number of employers with access to regional carpool/vanpool database.
Travel Demand Management: Carpool/Vanpool Number of person trips by carpool/vanpool in region.
Travel Demand Management: Commuter Shuttle Service Percent of residents in region receiving marketing material on shuttle service opportunities.
Travel Demand Management: Marketing Number of communities receiving travel option services.
Travel Demand Management: Marketing Number of communities in which visitor information centers are constructed.
Travel Demand Management: Marketing Implementation of transportation access guide.
Travel Demand Management: Marketing Number of web-based traveler information tools developed or enhanced.
Travel Demand Management: Parking Management Number of communities with shared parking.
Travel Demand Management: Parking Management Number of communities with priced parking stalls.
Travel Demand Management: Parking Management Number of corridors in urban core/transit supportive areas with parking meters.
Travel Demand Management: Parking Management Number of residents/commuters receiving information on parking pricing and availability.
Travel Demand Management: Parking Management Capacity of park & ride lots.
Travel Demand Management: Parking Management Number of preferred parking spaces for carpool/vanpool participants.
Travel Demand Management: Walking/Bicycling Number of travelers commuting via walking and/or bicycling.
Travel Demand Management: Walking/Bicycling Number of months since the last update of the bicycle/pedestrian map.
Travel Demand Management: Walking/Bicycling Number of traveler tools with a bicycle/pedestrian component.
Travel Weather Management: Clearance Time (Weather-Related Debris) Average time to clear selected surface transportation facilities of weather-related debris after weather impact.
Travel Weather Management: Detours for Impacted Roadways Percent of significant travel routes covered by weather-related diversion plans.
Travel Weather Management: Detours for Impacted Roadways Percent of agencies involved in transportation operations during weather events that have adopted multi-agency, weather-related transportation operations plans.
Travel Weather Management: Disseminating Information Time from beginning of weather event to posting of traveler information on (variable message signs, 511, Road Weather Information Systems, public information broadcasts etc.).
Travel Weather Management: Disseminating Information Time from beginning of weather event to posting of traveler information on agency website.
Travel Weather Management: Road Weather Information System Coverage Percent of major road (transit or bicycle) network within Z miles of an RWIS station.
Travel Weather Management: Signal Timing Plans Number of miles of arterials that have at least one special timing plan for inclement weather events.
Traveler Information: Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction ratings of timeliness, accuracy, and usefulness of traveler information.
Traveler Information: Data Collection and Sharing on Travel Conditions Percent of the transportation system in which travel conditions can be detected remotely via CCTV, speed detectors, etc.
Traveler Information: Data Collection and Sharing on Travel Conditions Percent of transportation facilities whose owners share their traveler information with other agencies in the region.
Traveler Information: Data Collection and Sharing on Travel Conditions Percent of modes in the region that share their traveler information with other modes.
Traveler Information: Information Dissemination Number of 511 calls per year.
Traveler Information: Information Dissemination Number of visitors to traveler information website per year.
Traveler Information: Information Dissemination Number of users of notifications for traveler information (e.g., e-mail, text message) per year.
Traveler Information: Information Dissemination Number of Web 2.0 (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) followers.
Traveler Information: Information Dissemination Number of complaints received from system users about inaccurate or missing information.
Traveler Information: Trip Planning Tools The number of data sources providing information for multi-modal trip planning tools.
Traveler Information: Trip Planning Tools Trip planning tools ease of use rating.
Traveler Information: Trip Planning Tools Number of uses of trip planning tools.
Work Zone Management: Construction Coordination Percent of capital projects whose project schedules have been reviewed.
Work Zone Management: Construction Coordination Percent of work zones on parallel routes/along the same corridor.
Work Zone Management: Construction Coordination Presence of an established work zone management system.
Work Zone Management: Customer Satisfaction Percentage of customers satisfied with region's work zone management practices.
Work Zone Management: Extent of Congestion Percentage of vehicles experiencing queuing in work zones.
Work Zone Management: Extent of Congestion Length of average and maximum queues in work zones.
Work Zone Management: Extent of Congestion Average duration in minutes of queue length greater than X miles.
Work Zone Management: Travel Time Delay Person hours (or vehicle hours) of delay associated with work zones.
Work Zone Management: Travel Time Delay Percent of construction projects completed on-time according to established schedule.
Work Zone Management: Travel Time Delay Percent of construction project employing night /off-peak work zones.
Work Zone Management: Travel Time Reliability Vehicle-hours of delay due to incidents related to work zones.
Work Zone Management: Traveler Information Percent of work zones on major arterials, freeways, and transit routes for which traveler information is available via variable message signs (VMS), 511, traveler information websites, and/or Web 2.0 technologies.
Work Zone Management: Traveler Information Percent of work zones on major arterials, freeways, and transit routes for which information on multimodal alternatives to avoid work zones is available to travelers.
Work Zone Management: Traveler Information Number of impacted businesses or tenants of business centers of X employees or more receiving work zone information (for upcoming and ongoing construction projects).

Architecture and Standard Use

The regional ITS architecture can be used to plan a regional data collection strategy that will facilitate performance measurement. Planners and operators can review the ITS architecture to see where operations data is being generated, where it is compiled, and which agencies have access to it. The focal point in the ITS architecture for data collection to support performance monitoring is the physical object called "Archived Data Systems". The relevant areas in the regional ITS architecture can be identified by reviewing the architecture inventory to identify systems that are associated with the Archived Data System. The performance measures shown here are connected with objectives and ITS services, providing an entry point to use the architecture to support planning for performance measurement.