Kind: Subsystem

Class: Support

Type: System

METR Regulation System


The 'METR Regulation System' creates and maintains electronic versions of traffic regulations for eventual consumption by traveler systems and other interested parties. Once approved, each rule is signed and traceable to a specific Rule-Maker. Depending on local policies and division of labor, the METR Regulation Center might need to coordinate with a METR Verification Center, a Maintenance and Construction Management System, and METR Discrepancy Handling Centers.


Source Flow Destination
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment METR application status METR Regulation System
Maint and Constr Management Center METR coordination METR Regulation System
Maint and Constr Management Center METR TCD discrepancy status METR Regulation System
METR Discrepancy Contact System METR coordination METR Regulation System
METR Discrepancy Handling System consolidated discrepancy report METR Regulation System
METR Discrepancy Handling System discrepancy report details METR Regulation System
METR Discrepancy Handling System METR information METR Regulation System
METR Distribution Center system-generated discrepancy report METR Regulation System
METR Regulation System METR application information Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment
METR Regulation System METR management information Emergency Vehicle OBE
METR Regulation System METR coordination Maint and Constr Management Center
METR Regulation System METR information Maint and Constr Management Center
METR Regulation System METR management information Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE
METR Regulation System METR coordination METR Discrepancy Contact System
METR Regulation System discrepancy suppression information METR Discrepancy Handling System
METR Regulation System METR information METR Discrepancy Handling System
METR Regulation System METR device status METR Distribution Center
METR Regulation System METR information METR Distribution Center
METR Regulation System METR feedback METR Rule Translator Agent
METR Regulation System METR feedback METR Rule-Maker
METR Regulation System METR information approval request METR Rule-Maker
METR Regulation System METR coordination METR Verification System
METR Regulation System METR information METR Verification System
METR Regulation System unverified METR information METR Verification System
METR Regulation System METR information Non-METR Distribution Center
METR Regulation System METR coordination Other METR Regulation Systems
METR Regulation System METR information Other METR Regulation Systems
METR Regulation System system-generated discrepancy report Other METR Regulation Systems
METR Rule Translator Agent METR input METR Regulation System
METR Rule-Maker METR information approval METR Regulation System
METR Rule-Maker METR input METR Regulation System
METR Verification System METR coordination METR Regulation System
METR Verification System verified METR information METR Regulation System
Non-METR Distribution Center system-generated discrepancy report METR Regulation System
Other METR Regulation Systems METR coordination METR Regulation System
Other METR Regulation Systems METR information METR Regulation System
Other METR Regulation Systems system-generated discrepancy report METR Regulation System


This physical object has the following security levels for the associated service packages.

Physical Object Security
Security Class Confidentiality Integrity Availability Service Package
Security levels have not been defined yet.

Interfaces Diagram

Interfaces diagram


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.