Operate WZ Devices On-Board

This process shall monitor, operate, and control devices located on the maintenance and construction vehicle. The process shall monitor, operate, and control from a maintenance and construction vehicle devices located at or alongside the roadway in areas with construction, maintenance, or utility work activities. The devices operated on board the vehicle include driver information devices (e.g. dynamic message signs) and work zone intrusion detection and alert devices. The roadside devices operated and controlled include driver information devices (e.g., dynamic message signs), roadway assets, transportation infrastructure, construction materials, and barrier systems (e.g., automatic or remote-controlled gates). If issues are detected using RFID with the infrastructure assets such as being located in the road itself and presenting a hazard to drivers or an issue with the integrity of the infrastructure asset then this process shall inform the central processes, connected personnel devices, and the vehicle operator. This process shall receive configuration and information on current and emergent traffic rules from the Manage Traffic Rules process in order to determine what appropriate changes there may be to the rules governing movement of traffic based on time or situation. This process will determine that a situation or time means that new or emergent rules need to be sent to surrounding vehicles and personal devices and will send the authorized message on to other processes for dissemination. This process shall respond to inputs form the vehicle operator or to changing conditions in order to release emergent traffic regulations to nearby travelers and equipped vehicles. This process shall receive the current location, date/time for the vehicle to support activities specified above.

This process is associated with the Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE physical object.

This process is associated with the following functional objects:

This process is associated with the following data flows: