9.1.6: Provide M&C Vehicle Operator Interface for Maint
This process shall manage the interface to the operator of the maintenance or construction vehicle, also known as the Field Personnel since they also work outside the vehicle. This process shall receive inputs from the vehicle operator such as requests for status from on-board systems, field equipment operational status (state of the device, configuration, and fault data), work activity status, as well as observed road weather and environmental conditions. This process shall forward to the vehicle operator from the maintenance and construction vehicle fleet manager new dispatch orders including routing information or updates to weather or road network conditions in the area, threat information, and alert notifications of potential emergency situations. This function shall receive recommended road treatment and maintenance actions from the Manage Maintenance Decision Support function. This function shall also receive inputs from the vehicle's environmental sensors (data and operational status), sensors monitoring materials on-board the vehicle, and operational vehicle status. This process shall then formulate the output to the vehicle operator either in digital screen displays or audio formats based on received input from the on-board systems.
This process is associated with the Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
- MCV Convoy Support
- MCV Environmental Monitoring
- MCV Field Asset Locating
- MCV METR Emergent Information Dissemination
- MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction
- MCV Signal Priority
- MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics
- MCV Winter Maintenance
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- dispatch_response_from_mcv
- environmental_sensor_control_on_board
- fmcvo-dispatch_response
- fmcvo-environmental_sensor_control
- fmcfp-field_equip_repair_status
- fmcvo-m_and_c_activity_status
- fmcvo-vehicle_systems_control
- mdss_recommended_actions_for_operator
- td-traffic_advisory_from_mcv
- tmcvo-mdss_recommended_actions
- vehicle_systems_control_by_mcv_operator
- basic_mcv_measures_for_mcv_operator
- dispatch_orders_to_mcv
- environmental_sensor_data_on_board
- environmental_sensor_status_on_board
- field_equip_status_from_mcv_operator
- fomcv-env_conditions
- m_and_c_status_from_mcv_operator
- materials_status_onboard_to_mcv_operator
- road_network_info_to_mcv
- suggested_route_to_mcv
- system_status_onboard_to_mcv_operator
- tmcvo-dispatch_info
- tmcvo-environmental_sensor_info
- tmcvo-materials_status_onboard
- tmcvo-mcv_operational_data
- tmcvo-road_network_info
- tmcvo-suggested_route
- tmcvo-vehicle_condition_status
- vehicle_location_for_mcv_operator
- winter_dispatch_orders_to_mcv
- fmcvo-road_condition_observations
- fmcvo-surface_weather_observations
- asset_infrastructure_warning_for_mcv
- asset_status_from_mcv_operator
- asset_data_for_mcv_operator
- tmcvo-field_asset_info
- fmcvo-asset_input
- tomcv-convoy_operational_data
- fomcv-convoy_operational_data
- fmcvo-traffic_regulation_inputs
- mc_traffic_regulations_input