< < VS16 : VS17 : VS18 > >

VS17: Automated Vehicle Operations

This service package provides full vehicle automation, controlling both the steering and acceleration/deceleration on areas of the highway system that support full automation. Communications between vehicles and between the vehicles and supporting infrastructure equipment supports cooperative check-in to the automated portion of the system and transition to automated mode, coordination of maneuvers between vehicles in automated mode, and checkout from the automated system. This service package is distinguished from the most advanced CACC systems in that full longitudinal and lateral control automation are supported, enabling closely spaced, tightly coupled platoons of vehicles to operate with short fixed gaps, providing greatly enhanced highway capacity and throughput with enhanced efficiency since aerodynamic drag is reduced.

Relevant Regions: Australia, Canada, European Union, and United States


Development Stage Roles and Relationships

Installation Stage Roles and Relationships

Operations and Maintenance Stage Roles and Relationships

Source Destination Role/Relationship
Basic Vehicle Maintainer Basic Vehicle Maintains
Basic Vehicle Manager Basic Vehicle Manages
Basic Vehicle Manager Driver System Usage Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Basic Vehicle Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Basic Vehicle Manager Operations Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Driver Application Usage Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Driver Vehicle Operating Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Vehicle Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Basic Vehicle Owner Vehicle Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Basic Vehicle Owner Vehicle User Service Usage Agreement
Basic Vehicle Supplier Basic Vehicle Owner Warranty
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Maintainer Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Maintains
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Manager Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Manages
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Manager Operations Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Driver Application Usage Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner ITS Roadway Equipment Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner ITS Roadway Equipment User Service Usage Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Traffic Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Traffic Management Center Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Traffic Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Traffic Operations Personnel Application Usage Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Vehicle Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Vehicle Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Vehicle User Service Usage Agreement
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Supplier Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Warranty
Driver Basic Vehicle Operates
Driver Roadway Owner Expectation of Roadway Condition Management
Driver Vehicle Operates
ITS Roadway Equipment Maintainer ITS Roadway Equipment Maintains
ITS Roadway Equipment Manager ITS Roadway Equipment Manages
ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment User Service Usage Agreement
ITS Roadway Equipment Owner ITS Roadway Equipment Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
ITS Roadway Equipment Owner ITS Roadway Equipment Manager Operations Agreement
ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Traffic Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Traffic Management Center Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Traffic Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Traffic Operations Personnel Application Usage Agreement
ITS Roadway Equipment Supplier ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Warranty
Other Vehicles Maintainer Other Vehicles Maintains
Other Vehicles Manager Other Vehicles Manages
Other Vehicles Owner Driver Application Usage Agreement
Other Vehicles Owner Driver Vehicle Operating Agreement
Other Vehicles Owner Other Vehicles Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Other Vehicles Owner Other Vehicles Manager Operations Agreement
Other Vehicles Owner Vehicle Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Other Vehicles Owner Vehicle Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Other Vehicles Owner Vehicle User Service Usage Agreement
Other Vehicles Supplier Other Vehicles Owner Warranty
Roadway Maintainer Roadway Environment Maintains
Roadway Manager Roadway Environment Manages
Roadway Owner Roadway Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Roadway Owner Roadway Manager Operations Agreement
Traffic Management Center Maintainer Traffic Management Center Maintains
Traffic Management Center Manager Traffic Management Center Manages
Traffic Management Center Manager Traffic Operations Personnel System Usage Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Information Provision Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment User Service Usage Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner ITS Roadway Equipment Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner ITS Roadway Equipment Owner Information Provision Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner ITS Roadway Equipment User Service Usage Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner Traffic Management Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner Traffic Management Center Manager Operations Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center Owner Information Provision Agreement
Traffic Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center User Service Usage Agreement
Traffic Management Center Supplier Traffic Management Center Owner Warranty
Traffic Operations Personnel Traffic Management Center Operates
Transportation Information Center Maintainer Transportation Information Center Maintains
Transportation Information Center Manager Transportation Information Center Manages
Transportation Information Center Owner Driver Application Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Transportation Information Center Manager Operations Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Vehicle Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Vehicle Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Vehicle User Service Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Supplier Transportation Information Center Owner Warranty
Vehicle Characteristics Maintainer Vehicle Characteristics Maintains
Vehicle Characteristics Manager Vehicle Characteristics Manages
Vehicle Characteristics Owner Vehicle Characteristics Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Vehicle Characteristics Owner Vehicle Characteristics Manager Operations Agreement
Vehicle Characteristics Supplier Vehicle Characteristics Owner Warranty
Vehicle Maintainer Vehicle Maintains
Vehicle Manager Driver System Usage Agreement
Vehicle Manager Vehicle Manages
Vehicle Owner Basic Vehicle Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Vehicle Owner Basic Vehicle Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Vehicle Owner Basic Vehicle User Service Usage Agreement
Vehicle Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Vehicle Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Vehicle Owner Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment User Service Usage Agreement
Vehicle Owner Driver Application Usage Agreement
Vehicle Owner Driver Vehicle Operating Agreement
Vehicle Owner Other Vehicles Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Vehicle Owner Other Vehicles Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Vehicle Owner Other Vehicles User Service Usage Agreement
Vehicle Owner Vehicle Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Vehicle Owner Vehicle Manager Operations Agreement
Vehicle Supplier Vehicle Owner Warranty


This service package includes the following Functional View PSpecs:

Physical Object Functional Object PSpec Number PSpec Name
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment RSE Automated Vehicle Operations Monitor Dynamic Lane Usage
3.2.5 Check Vehicle for Automated Operations Eligibility
3.2.6 Manage Check-in and Check-out
3.2.8 Provide Automated Lane Changing
RSE Environmental Monitoring Collect Vehicle Roadside Safety Data Process Collected Vehicle Safety Data
1.1.6 Collect Vehicle Traffic Surveillance Data
1.1.7 Collect Vehicle Environmental Data Process Intersection Safety Data Process In-vehicle Signage Data Process Vehicle Safety and Environmental Data for Output
1.5.10 Collect Vehicle Emissions Messages
1.5.12 Manage Eco Roadway Usage in Roadway Provide Short Range Traveler Information
RSE Traffic Monitoring Process Collected Vehicle Safety Data
1.1.6 Collect Vehicle Traffic Surveillance Data
1.1.7 Collect Vehicle Environmental Data Process Intersection Safety Data Process In-vehicle Signage Data Provide Short Range Traveler Information Manage Speeds at Roadside
ITS Roadway Equipment Roadway Barrier System Control Control Barrier Systems Provide Device Interface to Other Roadway Devices Process Roadway Information Data
Roadway Basic Surveillance Process Traffic Sensor Data Process Road User Protection Control Dynamic Lanes Process Signal Control Conflict Monitoring Monitor Roadside Equipment Operation Provide Device Interface to Other Roadway Devices Process Traffic Images Collect Vehicle Speed
Roadway Environmental Monitoring Process Environmental Sensor Data Process Indicator Output Data for Roads Process Signal Control Conflict Monitoring Monitor Roadside Equipment Operation Provide Device Interface to Other Roadway Devices Process Roadway Information Data Collect Vehicle Speed
Traffic Management Center TMC Automated Vehicle Operations 3.2.7 Manage Automatic Vehicle Operations
TMC Barrier System Management Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Traffic Data Interface Manage Barrier Systems
TMC Basic Surveillance Process Traffic Data for Storage Process Traffic Data Update Data Source Static Data Process Vehicle Situation Data Process Roadway Environmental Data
1.1.3 Generate Predictive Traffic Model Retrieve Traffic Data Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Traffic Data Interface
1.1.5 Exchange Data with Other Traffic Centers Maintain Traffic and Sensor Static Data
1.2.8 Collect Traffic Field Equipment Fault Data Analyze Traffic Data for Incidents Store Possible Incident Data Provide Current Incidents Store Interface Manage Traffic Routing Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Incident Interface Process Video Data
TMC Environmental Monitoring Process Vehicle Situation Data Process Roadway Environmental Data Retrieve Traffic Data Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Traffic Data Interface Manage Traffic Archive Data
1.1.5 Exchange Data with Other Traffic Centers Output In-vehicle Signage Data Manage Roadway Warning System
1.2.8 Collect Traffic Field Equipment Fault Data
Transportation Information Center TIC Traffic Control Dissemination 6.2.2 Collect Traffic Data
6.5.1 Provide Broadcast Data Interface
Vehicle Vehicle Basic Safety Communication 3.1.1 Produce Collision and Crash Avoidance Data
3.1.3 Process Vehicle On-board Data
3.1.4 Communicate with Remote Vehicles
3.1.6 Provide Vehicle Acceleration and Deceleration Inputs Manage Platoon Following Process Data for Vehicle Actuators Process General Vehicle Sensor Data
3.2.4 Process Sensor Data for Automatic Vehicle Operations Process Vehicle Location Data Update Vehicle Navigable Map Database Provide Driver Information Interface
Vehicle Control Automation Process Data for Vehicle Actuators Provide Servo Control Provide Vehicle Control Data Interface
Vehicle Control Warning 3.1.1 Produce Collision and Crash Avoidance Data
3.1.3 Process Vehicle On-board Data Process Data for Vehicle Actuators Process General Vehicle Sensor Data Provide Driver Information Interface
Vehicle Environmental Monitoring 3.1.3 Process Vehicle On-board Data Manage Platoon Following Process Data for Vehicle Actuators Process General Vehicle Sensor Data
3.2.4 Process Sensor Data for Automatic Vehicle Operations Process Vehicle Location Data Update Vehicle Navigable Map Database Provide Driver with Personal Travel Information Provide Driver Information Interface
Vehicle Platoon Operations 3.1.3 Process Vehicle On-board Data
3.2.1 Provide Driver Interface
3.2.2 Provide Automatic Vehicle Operations Control Manage Platoon Following Process Data for Vehicle Actuators Provide Driver Information Interface


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Includes Physical Objects:

Physical Object Class Description
Basic Vehicle Vehicle 'Basic Vehicle' represents a complete operating vehicle. It includes the vehicle platform that interfaces with and hosts ITS electronics and all of the driver convenience and entertainment systems, and other non-ITS electronics on-board the vehicle. Interfaces represent both internal on-board interfaces between ITS equipment and other vehicle systems and other passive and active external interfaces or views of the vehicle that support vehicle/traffic monitoring and management. External interfaces may also represent equipment that is carried into the vehicle (e.g., a smartphone that is brought into the vehicle). Internal interfaces are often implemented through a vehicle databus, which is also included in this object. Note that 'Vehicle' represents the general functions and interfaces that are associated with personal automobiles as well as commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, and other specialized vehicles.
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Field 'Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment' (CV RSE) represents the Connected Vehicle roadside devices (i.e., Roadside Units (RSUs)) equipped with short range wireless (SRW) communications technology, as well as any other supporting equipment that leverage the RSU and are not described by other objects (e.g., a local roadside processor). CVRSE are used to send messages to, and receive messages from, nearby vehicles and personal devices equipped with compatible communications technology. Communications with adjacent field equipment and back office centers that monitor and control the RSE are also supported. This device operates from a fixed position and may be permanently deployed or a portable device that is located temporarily in the vicinity of a traffic incident, road construction, or a special event. It includes a processor, data storage, and communications capabilities that support secure communications with passing vehicles, other field equipment, and centers.
Driver Vehicle The 'Driver' represents the person that operates a vehicle on the roadway. Included are operators of private, transit, commercial, and emergency vehicles where the interactions are not particular to the type of vehicle (e.g., interactions supporting vehicle safety applications). The Driver originates driver requests and receives driver information that reflects the interactions which might be useful to all drivers, regardless of vehicle classification. Information and interactions which are unique to drivers of a specific vehicle type (e.g., fleet interactions with transit, commercial, or emergency vehicle drivers) are covered by separate objects.
ITS Roadway Equipment Field 'ITS Roadway Equipment' represents the ITS equipment that is distributed on and along the roadway that monitors and controls traffic and monitors and manages the roadway. This physical object includes traffic detectors, environmental sensors, traffic signals, highway advisory radios, dynamic message signs, CCTV cameras and video image processing systems, grade crossing warning systems, and ramp metering systems. Lane management systems and barrier systems that control access to transportation infrastructure such as roadways, bridges and tunnels are also included. This object also provides environmental monitoring including sensors that measure road conditions, surface weather, and vehicle emissions. Work zone systems including work zone surveillance, traffic control, driver warning, and work crew safety systems are also included.
Other Vehicles Vehicle 'Other Vehicle OBEs' represents other connected vehicles that are communicating with the host vehicle. This includes all connected motorized vehicles including passenger cars, trucks, and motorcycles and specialty vehicles (e.g., maintenance vehicles, transit vehicles) that also include the basic 'Vehicle OBE' functionality that supports V2V communications. This object provides a source and destination for information transfers between connected vehicles. The host vehicle on-board equipment, represented by the Vehicle OBE physical object, sends information to, and receives information from the Other Vehicle OBEs to model all connected vehicle V2V communications in ARC-IT.
Potential Obstacles Field 'Potential Obstacles' represents any object that possesses the potential of being sensed and struck and thus also possesses physical attributes. Potential Obstacles include roadside obstructions, debris, animals, infrastructure elements (barrels, cones, barriers, etc.) or any other element that is in a potential path of the vehicle. Note that roadside objects and pieces of equipment that can become obstacles in a vehicle's path can include materials, coatings, or labels (e.g., barcodes) that will improve the performance of the vehicle-based sensors that must detect and avoid these obstacles. See also 'Vulnerable Road Users' that more specifically represents the physical properties of shared users of the roadway that must also be detected.
Roadway Environment Field 'Roadway Environment' represents the physical condition and geometry of the road surface, markings, signs, and other objects on or near the road surface. It also represents the environmental conditions immediately surrounding the roadway. The roadway environment must be sensed and interpreted to support automated vehicle services. Surrounding conditions may include fog, ice, snow, rain, wind, etc. which will influence the way in which a vehicle can be safely operated on the roadway. The roadway environment must be monitored to enable corrective action and information dissemination regarding roadway conditions which may adversely affect travel. Infrastructure owner/operators can improve the roadway environment to improve the performance and accuracy of vehicle-based sensors that must sense and interpret this environment. Improvements could include changes in the shape, size, design, and materials used in signs, pavement markings, and other road features.
Traffic Management Center Center The 'Traffic Management Center' monitors and controls traffic and the road network. It represents centers that manage a broad range of transportation facilities including freeway systems, rural and suburban highway systems, and urban and suburban traffic control systems. It communicates with ITS Roadway Equipment and Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment (RSE) to monitor and manage traffic flow and monitor the condition of the roadway, surrounding environmental conditions, and field equipment status. It manages traffic and transportation resources to support allied agencies in responding to, and recovering from, incidents ranging from minor traffic incidents through major disasters.
Traffic Operations Personnel Center 'Traffic Operations Personnel' represents the people that operate a traffic management center. These personnel interact with traffic control systems, traffic surveillance systems, incident management systems, work zone management systems, and travel demand management systems. They provide operator data and command inputs to direct system operations to varying degrees depending on the type of system and the deployment scenario.
Transportation Information Center Center The 'Transportation Information Center' collects, processes, stores, and disseminates transportation information to system operators and the traveling public. The physical object can play several different roles in an integrated ITS. In one role, the TIC provides a data collection, fusing, and repackaging function, collecting information from transportation system operators and redistributing this information to other system operators in the region and other TICs. In this information redistribution role, the TIC provides a bridge between the various transportation systems that produce the information and the other TICs and their subscribers that use the information. The second role of a TIC is focused on delivery of traveler information to subscribers and the public at large. Information provided includes basic advisories, traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, yellow pages information, ride matching information, and parking information. The TIC is commonly implemented as a website or a web-based application service, but it represents any traveler information distribution service.
Vehicle Vehicle This 'Vehicle' physical object is used to model core capabilities that are common to more than one type of Vehicle. It provides the vehicle-based general sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions that support efficient, safe, and convenient travel. Many of these capabilities (e.g., see the Vehicle Safety service packages) apply to all vehicle types including personal vehicles, commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, and maintenance vehicles. From this perspective, the Vehicle includes the common interfaces and functions that apply to all motorized vehicles. The radio(s) supporting V2V and V2I communications are a key component of the Vehicle. Both one-way and two-way communications options support a spectrum of information services from basic broadcast to advanced personalized information services. Advanced sensors, processors, enhanced driver interfaces, and actuators complement the driver information services so that, in addition to making informed mode and route selections, the driver travels these routes in a safer and more consistent manner. This physical object supports all six levels of driving automation as defined in SAE J3016. Initial collision avoidance functions provide 'vigilant co-pilot' driver warning capabilities. More advanced functions assume limited control of the vehicle to maintain lane position and safe headways. In the most advanced implementations, this Physical Object supports full automation of all aspects of the driving task, aided by communications with other vehicles in the vicinity and in coordination with supporting infrastructure subsystems.
Vehicle Characteristics Vehicle 'Vehicle Characteristics' represents the external view of individual vehicles of any class from cars and light trucks up to large commercial vehicles and down to micromobility vehicles (MMVs). It includes vehicle physical characteristics such as height, width, length, weight, and other properties (e.g., magnetic properties, number of axles) of individual vehicles that can be sensed and measured or classified. This physical object represents the physical properties of vehicles that can be sensed by vehicle-based or infrastructure-based sensors to support vehicle automation and traffic sensor systems. The analog properties provided by this terminator represent the sensor inputs that are used to detect and assess vehicle(s) within the sensor's range to support safe AV operation and/or responsive and safe traffic management.
Vulnerable Road Users Personal 'Vulnerable Road Users' represents any roadway user not in a motorized vehicle capable of operating at the posted speed for the roadway in question, and also any roadway user in a vehicle not designed to encase (and thus protect) its occupants. This includes pedestrians, cyclists, wheelchair users, two-wheeled scooter micromobility users, as well as powered scooters and motorcycles. Note that this terminator represents the physical properties of vulnerable road users and their conveyance that may be sensed to support safe vehicle automation and traffic management in mixed mode applications where a variety of road users share the right-of-way. See also 'Pedestrian' and 'MMV User' Physical Objects that represent the human interface to these vulnerable road users.

Includes Functional Objects:

Functional Object Description Physical Object
Roadway Barrier System Control 'Roadway Barrier System Control' includes the field equipment that controls barrier systems used to control access to transportation facilities and infrastructure. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other access control systems. ITS Roadway Equipment
Roadway Basic Surveillance 'Roadway Basic Surveillance' monitors traffic conditions using fixed equipment such as loop detectors and CCTV cameras. ITS Roadway Equipment
Roadway Environmental Monitoring 'Roadway Environmental Monitoring' measures environmental conditions and communicates the collected information back to a center where it can be monitored and analyzed or to other field devices to support communications to vehicles. A broad array of weather and road surface information may be collected. Weather conditions that may be measured include temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility. Surface and sub-surface sensors can measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other metrics. ITS Roadway Equipment
RSE Automated Vehicle Operations 'RSE Automated Vehicle Operations' includes the field elements that monitor and control access to and egress from automated lanes. It monitors and coordinates automated vehicle operations within the lanes. These lanes support vehicles operating in platoons with short headways. Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment
RSE Environmental Monitoring 'RSE Environmental Monitoring' collects environmental situation (probe) data from passing vehicles that are equipped with short range communications capability. The collected data includes current environmental conditions as measured by on-board sensors (e.g., ambient temperature and precipitation measures), current status of vehicle systems that can be used to infer environmental conditions (e.g., status of lights, wipers, ABS, and traction control systems), and emissions measures reported by the vehicle. The functional object collects the provided data, aggregates and filters the data based on provided configuration parameters, and sends the collected information back to a center for processing and distribution. This functional object may also process the collected data locally and issue short-term road weather advisories for the road segment using short range communications. Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment
RSE Traffic Monitoring 'RSE Traffic Monitoring' monitors the basic safety messages that are shared between connected vehicles and distills this data into traffic flow measures that can be used to manage the network in combination with or in lieu of traffic data collected by infrastructure-based sensors. As connected vehicle penetration rates increase, the measures provided by this application can expand beyond vehicle speeds that are directly reported by vehicles to include estimated volume, occupancy, and other measures. This object also supports incident detection by monitoring for changes in speed and vehicle control events that indicate a potential incident. Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment
TIC Traffic Control Dissemination 'TIC Traffic Control Dissemination' disseminates intersection status, lane control information, special vehicle alerts, and other traffic control related information that is real-time or near real-time in nature and relevant to vehicles in a relatively local area on the road network. It collects traffic control information from Traffic Management and other Center(s) and disseminates the relevant information to vehicles and other mobile devices. Transportation Information Center
TMC Automated Vehicle Operations 'TMC Automated Vehicle Operations' remotely monitors and controls automated lanes. It monitors system operation and provides parameters that control system operation including system parameters that govern vehicle platoon formation, speeds, and gaps or headways. Traffic Management Center
TMC Barrier System Management 'TMC Barrier System Management' remotely monitors and controls barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under control of center personnel. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other access control systems. It also provides an interface to other centers to allow monitoring and control of the barriers from other centers (e.g., public safety or emergency operations centers). Traffic Management Center
TMC Basic Surveillance 'TMC Basic Surveillance' remotely monitors and controls traffic sensor systems and surveillance (e.g., CCTV) equipment, and collects, processes and stores the collected traffic data. Current traffic information and other real-time transportation information is also collected from other centers. The collected information is provided to traffic operations personnel and made available to other centers. Traffic Management Center
TMC Environmental Monitoring 'TMC Environmental Monitoring' assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information, information collected by other centers such as the Maintenance and Construction Management Center, data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway, and information collected from connected vehicles. The collected environmental information is monitored and presented to the operator. This information can be used to issue general traveler advisories and support location specific warnings to drivers. Traffic Management Center
Vehicle Basic Safety Communication 'Vehicle Basic Safety Communication' exchanges current vehicle characteristics, location, and motion (including past and intended maneuver) information with other vehicles in the vicinity, uses that information to calculate vehicle paths, and warns the driver when the potential for an impending collision is detected. If available, map data is used to filter and interpret the relative location and motion of vehicles in the vicinity. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are also used, if available, in combination with the V2V communications to detect non-equipped vehicles and corroborate connected vehicle data. This object represents a broad range of implementations ranging from basic Vehicle Awareness Devices that only broadcast vehicle location and motion and provide no driver warnings to advanced integrated safety systems that coordinate maneuvers and may, in addition to warning the driver, provide collision warning information to support automated control functions that can support control intervention. Vehicle
Vehicle Control Automation 'Vehicle Control Automation' provides lateral and/or longitudinal control of a vehicle to allow 'hands off' and/or 'feet off' driving, automating the steering, accelerator, and brake control functions. It builds on the sensors included in 'Vehicle Safety Monitoring' and 'Vehicle Control Warning' and uses the information about the area surrounding the vehicle to safely control the vehicle. It covers the range of incremental control capabilities from driver assistance systems that take over steering or acceleration/deceleration in limited scenarios with direct monitoring by the driver to full automation where all aspects of driving are automated under all roadway and environmental conditions. Vehicle
Vehicle Control Warning 'Vehicle Control Warning' monitors areas around the vehicle and provides warnings to a driver so the driver can take action to recover and maintain safe control of the vehicle. It includes lateral warning systems that warn of lane departures and obstacles or vehicles to the sides of the vehicle and longitudinal warning systems that monitor areas in the vehicle path and provide warnings when headways are insufficient or obstacles are detected in front of or behind the vehicle. It includes on-board sensors, including radars and imaging systems, and the driver information system that provides the visual, audible, and/or haptic warnings to the driver. Vehicle
Vehicle Environmental Monitoring 'Vehicle Environmental Monitoring' collects data from on-board sensors and systems related to environmental conditions and sends the collected data to the infrastructure as the vehicle travels. The collected data is a byproduct of vehicle safety and convenience systems and includes ambient air temperature and precipitation measures and status of the wipers, lights, ABS, and traction control systems. Vehicle
Vehicle Platoon Operations 'Vehicle Platoon Operations' provides the capability for vehicles to operate in cooperative platoons with short fixed gaps and a designated lead vehicle. These capabilities are provided by systems on board the vehicle that coordinate with other vehicles and regulate acceleration and braking and provide higher-level functions that enable vehicles to join and depart from vehicle platoons. Vehicle

Includes Information Flows:

Information Flow Description
automated lane control data Control commands and operating parameters for automated vehicle operations, including tightly coupled platooned groups of vehicles operating in dedicated or mixed-mode lanes. This flow includes platoon parameters including maximum platoon size, target speeds and gaps, and vehicle restrictions.
automated lane status Current operational status of lanes supporting automated vehicle operations. The flow includes the status of the RSEs, associated field equipment, and vehicles using the facility.
automated vehicle control parameters Information, instructions, and control parameters for automated vehicle operations including current system conditions and advisories, control parameters (e.g., speed, required vehicle performance profiles, gaps or headways) and check in/checkout instructions.
automated vehicle control status Data provided by a connected vehicle identifying it's current mode and operational status and information provided to support check-in/checkout of the lane and coordinated maneuvers while on the automated facility.
barrier system control Information used to configure and control barrier systems that are represented by gates, barriers and other automated or remotely controlled systems used to manage entry to roadways.
barrier system status Current operating status of barrier systems. Barrier systems represent gates, barriers and other automated or remotely controlled systems used to manage entry to roadways. Status of the systems includes operating condition and current operational state.
driver input Driver input to the vehicle on-board equipment including configuration data, settings and preferences, interactive requests, and control commands.
driver input information Driver input received from the driver-vehicle interface equipment via the vehicle bus. It includes configuration data, settings and preferences, interactive requests, and control commands for the connected vehicle on-board equipment.
driver update information Information provided to the driver-vehicle interface to inform the driver about current conditions, potential hazards, and the current status of vehicle on-board equipment. The flow includes the information to be presented to the driver and associated metadata that supports processing, prioritization, and presentation by the DVI as visual displays, audible information and warnings, and/or haptic feedback.
driver updates Information provided to the driver including visual displays, audible information and warnings, and haptic feedback. The updates inform the driver about current conditions, potential hazards, and the current status of vehicle on-board equipment.
environmental conditions Current road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature, moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) that are measured by environmental sensors.
environmental sensor control Data used to configure and control environmental sensors.
environmental sensor data Current road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature, moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) as measured and reported by fixed and/or mobile environmental sensors. Operational status of the sensors is also included.
environmental situation data Aggregated and filtered vehicle environmental data collected from vehicle safety and convenience systems including measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, anti-lock brake status, and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. This information flow represents the aggregated and filtered environmental data sets that are provided by the RSE to the back office center. Depending on the RSE configuration and implementation, the data set may also include environmental sensor station data collected by the RSE.
host vehicle status Information provided to the ITS on-board equipment from other systems on the vehicle platform. This includes the current status of the powertrain, steering, and braking systems, and status of other safety and convenience systems. In implementations where GPS is not integrated into the Vehicle On-Board Equipment, the host vehicle is also the source for data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions (latitude, longitude, elevation) and accurate time that can be used for time synchronization across the ITS environment.
physical presence Detection of an obstacle. Obstacle could include animals, incident management and construction elements such as cones, barrels and barriers, rocks in roadway, etc.
roadway characteristics Detectable or measurable road characteristics such as friction coefficient and general surface conditions, road geometry and markings, etc. These characteristics are monitored or measured by ITS sensors and used to support advanced vehicle safety and control and road maintenance capabilities.
traffic detector control Information used to configure and control traffic detector systems such as inductive loop detectors and machine vision sensors.
traffic detector data Raw and/or processed traffic detector data which allows derivation of traffic flow variables (e.g., speed, volume, and density measures) and associated information (e.g., congestion, potential incidents). This flow includes the traffic data and the operational status of the traffic detectors
traffic operator data Presentation of traffic operations data to the operator including traffic conditions, current operating status of field equipment, maintenance activity status, incident status, video images, security alerts, emergency response plan updates and other information. This data keeps the operator appraised of current road network status, provides feedback to the operator as traffic control actions are implemented, provides transportation security inputs, and supports review of historical data and preparation for future traffic operations activities.
traffic operator input User input from traffic operations personnel including requests for information, configuration changes, commands to adjust current traffic control strategies (e.g., adjust signal timing plans, change DMS messages), and other traffic operations data entry.
traffic situation data Current, aggregate traffic data collected from connected vehicles that can be used to supplement or replace information collected by roadside traffic detectors. It includes raw and/or processed reported vehicle speeds, counts, and other derived measures. Raw and/or filtered vehicle control events may also be included to support incident detection.
vehicle characteristics The physical or visible characteristics of individual vehicles that can be used to detect, classify, and monitor vehicles and imaged to uniquely identify vehicles.
vehicle control Control commands issued to vehicle actuators that control steering, throttle, and braking and other related commands that support safe transition between manual and automated vehicle control. This flow can also deploy restraints and other safety systems when a collision is unavoidable.
vehicle entries and exits Information exchanged between an RSE and ITS Roadway Equipment that supports detection of non-equipped vehicles in an automated lane, low emissions zone, or other facility where V2I communications is used to monitor vehicles at entry or exit points. This exchange also supports identification of non-equipped vehicles where an RSE is used for payment collection. This generic exchange can be implemented by any approach that compares vehicle detections with V2I communications by the RSE to identify vehicles that are not equipped or are otherwise unable to communicate with the RSE.
vehicle environmental data Data from vehicle safety and convenience systems that can be used to estimate environmental and infrastructure conditions, including measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, anti-lock brake status, vertical acceleration and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. The collected data is reported along with the location, heading, and time that the data was collected. Both current data and snapshots of recent events (e.g., traction control or anti-lock brake system activations) may be reported.
vehicle location and motion Data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions, heading, speed, acceleration, braking status, and size.
vehicle maneuver coordination Statements of intent, permission and status of a lane change or merge operation by a connected vehicle
vehicle platoon coordination Coordination of control commands between leader and follower vehicles allowing vehicles to join, coordinate with, and separate from platoons of cooperative vehicles. This flow shares platoon size, location, and performance parameters (e.g., platoon speed and spacing) between platooned vehicles.
vehicle profile Information about a vehicle such as vehicle make and model, fuel type, engine type, size and weight, vehicle performance and level of control automation, average emissions, average fuel consumption, passenger occupancy, or other data that can be used to classify vehicle eligibility for access to specific lanes, road segments, or regions or participation in cooperative vehicle control applications.
vulnerable road user presence Detection of pedestrians, cyclists, and other vulnerable road users. This detection is based on physical characteristics of the user and their conveyance, which may be enhanced by design and materials that facilitate sensor-based detection and tracking of vulnerable road users.

Goals and Objectives

Associated Planning Factors and Goals

Planning Factor Goal
A. Support the economic vitality of the metropolitan area, especially by enabling global competitiveness, productivity, and efficiency; Improve freight network
B. Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users; Reduce fatalities and injuries
D. Increase the accessibility and mobility of people and for freight; Reduce congestion
E. Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, improve the quality of life, and promote consistency between transportation improvements and State and local planned growth and economic development patterns; Protect/Enhance the Environment
G. Promote efficient system management and operation; Improve efficiency

Associated Objective Categories

Objective Category
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities
System Efficiency: Cost of Congestion
System Efficiency: Delay
System Efficiency: Duration of Congestion
System Efficiency: Energy Consumption
System Efficiency: Extent of Congestion
System Efficiency: Intensity of Congestion (Travel Time Index)
System Efficiency: Travel Time

Associated Objectives and Performance Measures

Objective Performance Measure
Annual rate of change in regional average commute travel time will not exceed regional rate of population growth through the year Y. Average commute trip travel time (minutes).
Improve average travel time during peak periods by X percent by year Y. Average travel time during peak periods (minutes).
Maintain the rate of growth in facility miles experiencing recurring congestion as less than the population growth rate (or employment growth rate). Percent of lane-miles (or rail) operating at LOS F or V/C > 1.0
Reduce crashes at intersections Number of crashes and fatalities at signalized intersections
Reduce crashes at intersections Number of crashes and fatalities at unsignalized intersections
Reduce crashes at intersections Number of crashes and fatalities related to red-light running
Reduce crashes at railroad crossings Number of crashes and fatalities at railroad crossings
Reduce crashes due to driver errors and limitations Number of crashes and fatalities related to driver inattention and distraction
Reduce crashes due to driver errors and limitations Number of crashes and fatalities related to driving while intoxicated
Reduce crashes due to red-light running Number of crashes and fatalities related to red-light running
Reduce crashes due to road weather conditions Number of crashes and fatalities related to weather conditions
Reduce crashes due to unsafe drivers, vehicles and cargo on the transportation system Number of crashes and fatalities due to commercial vehicle safety violations
Reduce excess fuel consumed due to congestion by X percent by year Y. Excess fuel consumed (total or per capita).
Reduce hours of delay per capita by X percent by year Y. Hours of delay (person-hours).
Reduce hours of delay per capita by X percent by year Y. Hours of delay per capita.
Reduce hours of delay per driver by X percent by year Y. Hours of delay (person-hours).
Reduce hours of delay per driver by X percent by year Y. Hours of delay per driver.
Reduce lane departure crashes Number of crashes and fatalities related to inappropriate lane departure, crossing or merging
Reduce secondary crashes Number of secondary crashes
Reduce the annual monetary cost of congestion per capita for the next X years. Cost (in dollars) of congestion or delay per capita.
Reduce the daily hours of recurring congestion on major freeways from X to Y by year Z. Hours per day at LOS F or V/C > 1.0 (or other threshold).
Reduce the number of fatalities in crashes involving a driver or motorcycle operator with a BAC of.08 and above by X percent by Y year. Number of fatalities in crashes involving a driver or motorcycle operator with a BAC of.08 and above
Reduce the number of hours per day that the top 20 most congested roadways experience recurring congestion by X percent by year Y. Hours per day at LOS F or V/C > 1.0 (or other threshold).
Reduce the number of motorcyclist fatalities by X percent by year Y. Number of motorcyclist fatalities
Reduce the number of pedestrian fatalities by X percent by year Y. Number of pedestrian fatalities
Reduce the number of speeding-related fatalities by X percent by year Y. Number of speeding-related fatalities
Reduce the percentage of facility miles (highway, arterial, rail, etc.) experiencing recurring congestion during the peak period by X percent by year Y. Percent of lane-miles (or rail) operating at LOS F or V/C > 1.0
Reduce the rate fatalities in the region by X percent by year Y. Rate of fatalities (rate per vehicle miles travelled (VMT))
Reduce the rate of severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y. Rate of serious injuries (rate per VMT)
Reduce the regional average travel time index by X percent per year. Travel time index (the average travel time during the peak period, using congested speeds, divided by the off-peak period travel time, using posted or free-flow speeds).
Reduce the share of major intersections operating at LOS Z by X percent by year Y. Percent of intersections operating at LOS F or V/C > 1.0
Reduce the total number of crashes in the region by X percent by year Y. Total crashes per X VMT.
Reduce the total number of crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians in the region by X percent by year Y. Total crashes involving bicycles.
Reduce the total number of crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians in the region by X percent by year Y. Total crashes involving pedestrians.
Reduce the total number of fatalities and severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y. Total fatalities per X VMT.
Reduce the total number of fatalities and severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y. Total severe injuries per X VMT.
Reduce the total number of fatalities in the region by X percent by year Y. Number of fatalities
Reduce the total number of severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y. Number of serious injuries
Reduce total energy consumption per capita for transportation by X percent by year Y. Total energy consumed per capita for transportation.
Reduce total fuel consumption per capita for transportation by X percent by year Y. Total fuel consumed per capita for transportation.

Since the mapping between objectives and service packages is not always straight-forward and often situation-dependent, these mappings should only be used as a starting point. Users should do their own analysis to identify the best service packages for their region.

Needs and Requirements

Need Functional Object Requirement
01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon. Vehicle Basic Safety Communication 02 The vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications.
06 The vehicle shall exchange location and motion information with roadside equipment and nearby vehicles.
Vehicle Control Automation 01 The vehicle shall monitor the area behind and in front of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle.
02 The vehicle shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle to determine if a control adjustment is needed.
03 The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.
04 The vehicle shall collect location and motion data from the vehicle platform.
05 The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board control automation applications.
09 The vehicle shall send appropriate control actions to the vehicle's steering actuators.
17 The vehicle shall send appropriate control actions to the vehicle's speed control systems (e.g., throttle, brakes).
Vehicle Control Warning 01 The vehicle shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle and if a warning is needed.
02 The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object to warn the driver, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, roadway characteristics, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.
09 The vehicle shall collect location and motion data from the vehicle platform.
Vehicle Platoon Operations 03 The vehicle shall collect and monitor data concerning the safety of the vehicle while on automated lanes including conditions of the brakes, drive train, forward/rear/side sensors, steering condition, fuel level, tire wear and pressure, and the status of vehicle processors and communications.
04 The vehicle shall monitor the area surrounding vehicle in an automated lane to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle. Obstacles could include animals, other vehicles, pedestrians, debris in roadway etc.
05 The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, conditions of the roadway and environment, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.
02 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed. Vehicle Basic Safety Communication 12 The vehicle shall analyze its own applications' performance and enter fail-safe mode (a mode such that the application cannot provide information or perform actions that affect its host) when critical components fail.
13 The vehicle shall notify the driver when onboard components or safety applications are offline.
Vehicle Control Automation 08 The vehicle shall provide an interface through which a vehicle driver can initiate, monitor and terminate automatic control of the vehicle.
10 The vehicle shall present vehicle control information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.
Vehicle Platoon Operations 01 The vehicle shall provide the capability for a driver to request access to automated vehicle lanes.
02 The vehicle shall request usage of automated lanes for all or part of an overall route; including sending vehicle conditions to the roadside to determine eligibility.
06 The vehicle shall provide warnings to the driver of potential dangers based on sensor input and analysis concerning the safety of the vehicle operating in an automated lane.
07 The vehicle shall present platoon information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.
03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways. Roadway Barrier System Control 01 The field element shall activate barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under center control. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways.
Roadway Basic Surveillance 01 The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.
04 The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system operational status to the controlling center.
Roadway Environmental Monitoring 01 The field element shall include surface and sub-surface environmental sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.
02 The field element shall include environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.
04 The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by a traffic management center.
07 The field element shall provide environmental sensor equipment operational status to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle.
10 The field element shall provide weather and road surface condition data to centers.
13 The field element shall collect environmental data from connected vehicle roadside equipment.
14 The field element shall provide access to remotely collected environmental data (i.e., from connected vehicle sources) in the same manner is it provides access to locally collected environmental data (typically by providing it to various centers).
RSE Automated Vehicle Operations 01 The field element shall check the vehicle's condition to see if it is suitable for operating on automated lanes based on vehicle control parameters (speed, headway, etc.) used by vehicles in those lanes, and once confirmed, shall send control parameters to the vehicle.
02 The field element shall provide to the vehicle automated lane changing data based on a lane changing strategy and detailed lane changing parameters (e.g. exactly where, and at what speed the lane change will take place), under center control.
03 The field element shall manage the checking in and checking out of suitably equipped vehicles requesting use of automated lanes, and send a record of all requests to the responsible center.
RSE Environmental Monitoring 01 The field element shall communicate with passing vehicles to collect environmental monitoring data, including ambient air quality, emissions, temperature, precipitation, and other road weather information.
02 The field element shall aggregate and forward collected environmental probe information to the center.
04 The field element shall provide application status to the center for monitoring.
05 The field element shall aggregate and filter the collected environmental data based on configuration parameters received from the controlling center.
07 The field element shall provide environmental data to other field elements.
RSE Traffic Monitoring 01 The field element shall communicate with on-board equipment on passing vehicles to collect current vehicle position, speed, and heading and a record of previous events (e.g., starts and stops, link travel times) that can be used to determine current traffic conditions.
02 The field element shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to the center.
03 The field element shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to other field elements.
TIC Traffic Control Dissemination 01 The center shall provide intersection status, lane control information, and other real time traffic control related information to vehicles.
TMC Automated Vehicle Operations 01 The center shall remotely control automated vehicle system field elements, by providing lane changing parameters, parameters for determination of vehicle suitability for particular automated lanes, and other control information required for automated highway operation.
02 The center shall maintain a log of all automated vehicle check-in and check-out transactions received from the field elements regardless of whether they are successful or not.
TMC Barrier System Management 01 The center shall remotely control barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways.
TMC Basic Surveillance 01 The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center.
02 The center shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
05 The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding sensor and surveillance data collection, analysis, storage, and distribution.
06 The center shall maintain a database of surveillance equipment and sensors and associated data (including the roadway on which they are located, the type of data collected, and the ownership of each).
07 The center shall remotely control devices to detect traffic.
TMC Environmental Monitoring 01 The traffic center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure road surface conditions including temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.
02 The traffic center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.
03 The traffic center shall assimilate current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services), data from roadway maintenance operations, and environmental data collected from sensors deployed on and about the roadway.
05 The traffic center shall receive aggregated and processed vehicle environmental data collected from vehicle safety and convenience systems through the connected vehicle roadside equipment.
Vehicle Basic Safety Communication 02 The vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications.
07 The vehicle shall receive warnings, informational road signs, traffic meters, and signals provided by infrastructure devices.
Vehicle Environmental Monitoring 01 The vehicle shall collect and process environmental sensor data, including air temperature and rain sensors.
02 The vehicle shall monitor the status of vehicle convenience and safety systems (wiper status, headlight status, traction control system status) that can be used to measure environmental conditions and record snapshots of significant events in these systems.
04 The vehicle shall transmit environmental probe data to field equipment located along the roadway using short range communications.

Related Sources

Document Name Version Publication Date
ITS User Services Document 1/1/2005


In order to participate in this service package, each physical object should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Physical Object Security
Physical Object Confidentiality Integrity Availability Security Class
Basic Vehicle  
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Moderate High Moderate Class 3
ITS Roadway Equipment Moderate High Moderate Class 3
Other Vehicles Low High Moderate Class 3
Potential Obstacles  
Roadway Environment Not Applicable Low Low Class 1
Traffic Management Center Moderate High Moderate Class 3
Transportation Information Center Moderate High Moderate Class 3
Vehicle Moderate High Moderate Class 3
Vehicle Characteristics  
Vulnerable Road Users  

In order to participate in this service package, each information flow triple should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Information Flow Security
Source Destination Information Flow Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Basis Basis Basis
Basic Vehicle Vehicle driver input information Moderate High High
Internal vehicle flow that if reverse engineered could enable third party vehicle control. Largely a competitive question, could be set LOW if manufacturer and operator are not concerned with this type of compromise. Includes vehicle control commands, which must be timely and accurate to support safe vehicle operation. Includes vehicle control commands, which must be timely and accurate to support safe vehicle operation.
Basic Vehicle Vehicle host vehicle status Low Moderate High
Unlikely that this includes any information that could be used against the originator. This can be MODERATE or HIGH, depending on the application: This is used later on to determine whether a vehicle is likely going to violate a red light or infringe a work zone. This needs to be correct in order for the application to work correctly. Since this monitors the health and safety of the vehicle and that information is eventually reported to the driver, it should be available at all times as it directly affects vehicle and operator safety.
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment ITS Roadway Equipment environmental situation data Low Moderate Moderate
Little to no impact if this data is observed Some minimal guarantee of data integrity is necessary for all C-ITS flows. DISC: THEA believes this to be LOW: only limited adverse effect if environmental data from vehicle safety and convenience systems is bad/compromised; can cope with some bad data; DISC: WYO belives this to be MODERATE Only limited adverse effect of info is not timely/readily available. DISC: WYO believes this to be MODERATE. Changed from THEA's LOW inferring severity of weather data in Wyoming
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment ITS Roadway Equipment traffic situation data Moderate Moderate Moderate
Aggregated messages may have more privacy implications than individual ones, especially if an attacker can attack more than one RSE-to-TMC connection at once. This information is used to help with incident detection. It should be verified to ensure that it is not incorrectly influencing this.THEA: only limited adverse effect if raw/processed connected vehicle data is bad/compromised; could be LOW for ISIG This information is used as supplemental information. It should operate correctly if not every single message is received. THEA: only limited adverse effect if info is not timely/readily available, could be LOW for ISIG
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment ITS Roadway Equipment vehicle entries and exits Moderate Moderate Moderate
Directly observable data, but it is aggregated at the field device and also transmitted between devices; if a cyber-attacker were able to remotely monitor this feed, they might use this information to cause chaos. While this can be corroborated visually, the ITS RE may rely on this information to make mobility-related decisions with significant consequences, so the data must be of reasonable quality and availability.. While this can be corroborated visually, the ITS RE may rely on this information to make mobility-related decisions with significant consequences, so the data must be of reasonable quality and availability..
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Traffic Management Center automated lane status Moderate Moderate Moderate
Device status information should be concealed, as an unauthorized observer could use this to reverse engineer device control systems. Device status information needs to be available and correct, or the controlling system may take inappropriate maintenance action, costing time and money. Device status information needs to be available and correct, or the controlling system may take inappropriate maintenance action, costing time and money.
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Traffic Management Center environmental situation data Low Moderate Moderate
Little to no impact if this data is observed Only limited adverse effect if environmental data from vehicle safety and convenience systems is bad/compromised; can cope with some bad data; DISC: WYO believes this to be MODERATE HIGH. Changed from THEA's LOW inferring severity of weather data in Wyoming Only limited adverse effect of info is not timely/readily available. DISC: WYO believes this to be MODERATE. Changed from THEA's LOW inferring severity of weather data in Wyoming
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Traffic Management Center traffic situation data Moderate Moderate Low
Aggregated messages may have more privacy implications than individual ones, especially if an attacker can attack more than one RSE-to-TMC connection at once. only limited adverse effect if raw/processed connected vehicle data is bad/compromised; DISC: NYC believes this to be MODERATE: As investigation might be triggered if RF quality is reported as low, this data should be trusted. RES: Agree wih NYC. only limited adverse effect of info is not timely/readily available. NYC: This data is purely for statistical purposes so low availability does not harm the [RSE RF Monitoring] application.
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment Vehicle automated vehicle control parameters Low High Moderate
Intended for all vehicles participating in automated CACC scenario. HIGH because lane change parameters could impact the safety of the vehicle network, particularly for vehicles that do not have CACC and are not aware of CACC behaviors, There should be a back up or default mechanism in case this information cannot be exchanged.
Driver Vehicle driver input Moderate High High
Data included in this flow may include origin and destination information, which should be protected from other's viewing as it may compromise the driver's privacy. Commands from from the driver to the vehicle must be correct or the vehicle may behave in an unpredictable and possibly unsafe manner Commands must always be able to be given or the driver has no control.
ITS Roadway Equipment Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment vehicle entries and exits Moderate Moderate Moderate
Directly observable data, but it is aggregated at the field device and also transmitted between devices; if a cyber-attacker were able to remotely monitor this feed, they might use this information to cause chaos. While this can be corroborated visually, the RSE may rely on this information to make mobility-related decisions with significant consequences, so the data must be of reasonable quality and availaability.. While this can be corroborated visually, the RSE may rely on this information to make mobility-related decisions with significant consequences, so the data must be of reasonable quality and availability.
ITS Roadway Equipment Traffic Management Center barrier system status Moderate High Moderate
Related to the control flow, however the data is directly observable and generally widely known. Difficult to justify obfuscation. Status of barrier systems has direct human-safety related impact, that if performed incorrectly could lead to catastrophic incidents. These systems need to operated when demanded or mobility will be restricted. However, manual processes should always be in place to compensate for a loss in connectivity, and to provide a secondary check for safety purposes anyway.
ITS Roadway Equipment Traffic Management Center environmental sensor data Low Moderate Moderate
Little to no impact if this data is observed info should be correct to determine safe speeds etc.; DISC: WYO believes this to be HIGH Updates are desireable but slightly outdated information will not be catastrophic.
ITS Roadway Equipment Traffic Management Center traffic detector data Low Moderate Moderate
No impact if someone sees the data Some minimal guarantee of data integrity is necessary for all C-ITS flows. THEA believes this to be LOW.only limited adverse effect if raw/processed traffic detector data is bad/compromised; DISC: WYO believes this to be HIGH Only limited adverse effect of info is not timely/readily available, however without this information it will be difficult to perform traffic management activities, thus MODERATE. If not used for management, may be LOW.
Other Vehicles Vehicle vehicle environmental data Low Moderate Moderate
Little abusive potential for capturing the information in this flow as designed. Could be moderate if this contains PII related information, but considered for now to not include any PII; DISC: WYO believes Vehicle to Center versions of this flow to be MODERATE as center penetrations could more easily garner aggregate user data that might be used for mischief. This could be used for safety applications, and in areas of severe weather a corrupted field could have significant consequences; however, any vehicle will use other inputs before triggering automatic safety facilities, so MODERATE should be sufficient. DISC: WYO believes this to be HIGH. This data is required for the system to operate properly. If this data is not available, the system cannot give accurate warning information.
Other Vehicles Vehicle vehicle location and motion Not Applicable High Moderate
This data is intentionally transmitted to everyone via a broadcast. Much of its information content can also be determined via other visual indicators BSM info needs to be accurate and should not be tampered with BSM must be broadcast regularly to make data available for other vehicle OBEs, but availability cannot be guaranteed over a wireless medium
Other Vehicles Vehicle vehicle maneuver coordination Low High Low
Data contained within this flow is intended to alert other nearby vehicles to a desired or impending movement by the source vehicle. The data does include identifiers indicating the sending vehicle, which needs to be recognized and protected as appropriate. It may be impractical to encrypt this data to meet performance requirements, and in any event no more than one vehicle would be identified and only in the field environment, so mass collection of this information would be difficult. This flow is core to automated vehicle merge and lane change operations; flaws in the data could result in a crash, and so integrity should be ensured to the highest practical level. L4/5 ADS will operate more smoothly if this flow works, but as the vehicle fleet will include L0 vehicles for the foreseeable future, any ADS must use other methods to ensure safe operation anyway. May be MODERATE in ADS-dedicated facilities.
Other Vehicles Vehicle vehicle platoon coordination Low High Moderate
Includes the identity of the lead vehicle but no PII. Intended for vehicles to coordinate tightly, and with no previous relationship so likely open to other vehicles monitoring. Platooning coordination data must be correct or potentially severe consequences can result, particularly if data relevant to high speed operations is corrupted. Platooning will not fully function without this flow; the worst case is that vehicles drop from the platoon however; lack of this flow is unlikely to generate a severe incident on its own.
Roadway Environment ITS Roadway Equipment environmental conditions Not Applicable Low Low
Sensor-based information flows by definition have no confidentiality concerns. While typically security concerns related to sensing ignored, if considered this would be LOW, as the obfuscation or failure of any given environmental sensor is likely to be overcome by the mass of data necessary to draw environmental concluisions. While typically security concerns related to sensing ignored, if considered this would be LOW, as the obfuscation or failure of any given environmental sensor is likely to be overcome by the mass of data necessary to draw environmental concluisions.
Roadway Environment Vehicle environmental conditions Not Applicable Low Low
Sensor-based information flows by definition have no confidentiality concerns. While typically security concerns related to sensing ignored, if considered this would be LOW, as the obfuscation or failure of any given environmental sensor is likely to be overcome by the mass of data necessary to draw environmental concluisions. While typically security concerns related to sensing ignored, if considered this would be LOW, as the obfuscation or failure of any given environmental sensor is likely to be overcome by the mass of data necessary to draw environmental concluisions.
Roadway Environment Vehicle roadway characteristics Not Applicable Low Low
Sensor-based information flows by definition have no confidentiality concerns. While typically security concerns related to sensing ignored, if considered this would be LOW, as the obfuscation or failure of any given environmental sensor is likely to be overcome by the mass of data necessary to draw environmental concluisions. While typically security concerns related to sensing ignored, if considered this would be LOW, as the obfuscation or failure of any given environmental sensor is likely to be overcome by the mass of data necessary to draw environmental concluisions.
Traffic Management Center Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment automated lane control data Moderate High Moderate
Control flows, even for seemingly innocent devices, should be kept confidential to minimize attack vectors. While an individual installation may not be particularly impacted by a cyberattack of its sensor network, another installation might be severely impacted, and different installations are likely to use similar methods, so compromising one leads to compromising all. Control flows, even for seemingly innocent devices, should have MODERATE integrity at minimum, just to guarantee that intended control messages are received. Incorrect, corrupted, intercepted and modified control messages can or will result in target field devices not behaving according to operator intent. The severity of this depends on the type of device, which is why some devices are set MODERATE and some HIGH. Control flow availability is related to the criticality of being able to remotely control the device. For most devices, this is MODERATE. For purely passive devices with no incident relationship, this will be LOW. All devices should have default modes that enable them to operate without backhaul connectivity, so no device warrants a HIGH.
Traffic Management Center ITS Roadway Equipment barrier system control Moderate High Moderate
Control flows need to be obfuscated, lest a hostile individual learn how to control these systems. Barrier systems in particular present a safety risk if compromised, and could have a significant safety and mobility impact. Control of barrier systems has direct human-safety related impact, that if performed incorrectly could lead to catastrophic incidents. These systems need to operated when demanded or mobility will be restricted. However, manual processes should always be in place to compensate for a loss in connectivity, and to provide a secondary check for safety purposes anyway.
Traffic Management Center ITS Roadway Equipment environmental sensor control Moderate Moderate Low
Control flows, even for seemingly innocent devices, should be kept confidential to minimize attack vectors. While an individual installation may not be particularly impacted by a cyberattack of its sensor network, another installation might be severely impacted, and different installations are likely to use similar methods, so compromising one leads to compromising all. DISC: THEA, WYO believe this to be LOW: encrypted, authenticated, proprietary; but should not cause severe damage if seen Should be accurate and not be tampered with; could enable outside control of traffic sensors but should not cause severe harm, but could cause issues with environmental sensor data received and be detrimental to operations; DISC: WYO believes this may be HIGH for some applications Control flow availability is related to the criticality of being able to remotely control the device. For most devices, this is MODERATE. For purely passive devices with no incident relationship, this will be LOW. All devices should have default modes that enable them to operate without backhaul connectivity, so no device warrants a HIGH. From THEAwant updates but delayed information will not be severe; should be able to operate from a previous/default control/config; DISC: WYO believes this to be MODERATE
Traffic Management Center ITS Roadway Equipment traffic detector control Moderate Moderate Low
Control flows, even for seemingly innocent devices, should be kept confidential to minimize attack vectors. While an individual installation may not be particularly impacted by a cyberattack of its sensor network, another installation might be severely impacted, and different installations are likely to use similar methods, so compromising one leads to compromising all. DISC: THEA, WYO believe this to be LOW: encrypted, authenticated, proprietary; but should not cause severe damage if seen Control flows, even for seemingly innocent devices, should have MODERATE integrity at minimum, just to guarantee that intended control messages are received. Incorrect, corrupted, intercepted and modified control messages can or will result in target field devices not behaving according to operator intent. The severity of this depends on the type of device, which is why some devices are set MODERATE and some HIGH.. From THEA: should be accurate and not be tampered with; could enable outside control of traffic sensors but should not cause severe harm, but could cause issues with traffic sensor data received and be detrimental to operations Control flow availability is related to the criticality of being able to remotely control the device. For most devices, this is MODERATE. For purely passive devices with no incident relationship, this will be LOW. All devices should have default modes that enable them to operate without backhaul connectivity, so no device warrants a HIGH.. From THEA: want updates but delayed information will not be severe; should be able to operate from a previous/default control/config. DISC: WYO believes this to be MODERATE
Traffic Management Center Traffic Operations Personnel traffic operator data Moderate Moderate Moderate
Backoffice operations flows should have minimal protection from casual viewing, as otherwise imposters could gain illicit control or information that should not be generally available. Information presented to backoffice system operators must be consistent or the operator may perform actions that are not appropriate to the real situation. The backoffice system operator should have access to system operation. If this interface is down then control is effectively lost, as without feedback from the system the operator has no way of knowing what is the correct action to take.
Traffic Management Center Transportation Information Center automated lane control data Moderate High Moderate
Control flows, even for seemingly innocent devices, should be kept confidential to minimize attack vectors. While an individual installation may not be particularly impacted by a cyberattack of its sensor network, another installation might be severely impacted, and different installations are likely to use similar methods, so compromising one leads to compromising all. Control flows, even for seemingly innocent devices, should have MODERATE integrity at minimum, just to guarantee that intended control messages are received. Incorrect, corrupted, intercepted and modified control messages can or will result in target field devices not behaving according to operator intent. The severity of this depends on the type of device, which is why some devices are set MODERATE and some HIGH. Control flow availability is related to the criticality of being able to remotely control the device. For most devices, this is MODERATE. For purely passive devices with no incident relationship, this will be LOW. All devices should have default modes that enable them to operate without backhaul connectivity, so no device warrants a HIGH.
Traffic Operations Personnel Traffic Management Center traffic operator input Moderate High High
Backoffice operations flows should have minimal protection from casual viewing, as otherwise imposters could gain illicit control or information that should not be generally available. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system.
Transportation Information Center Vehicle automated vehicle control parameters Low High Moderate
Intended for all vehicles participating in automated CACC scenario. HIGH because lane change parameters could impact the safety of the vehicle network, particularly for vehicles that do not have CACC and are not aware of CACC behaviors, There should be a back up or default mechanism in case this information cannot be exchanged.
Vehicle Basic Vehicle driver update information Low Moderate Moderate
This information is all presented to the vehicle operator. Encrypting this information may make it harder to reverse engineer vehicle systems, and may defeat criminal tracking tools when the vehicle has already been compromised. Unless those scenarios are of concern to the operator or manufacturer, this can safely be set LOW. Any information presented to the operator of a vehicle should be both accurate and timely. By definition this includes safety information, but given that the driver has other means of learning about most threats, it seems difficult to justify HIGH. If HIGH is warranted, it should apply to both availability and integrity. Any information presented to the operator of a vehicle should be both accurate and timely. By definition this includes safety information, but given that the driver has other means of learning about most threats, it seems difficult to justify HIGH. If HIGH is warranted, it should apply to both availability and integrity.
Vehicle Basic Vehicle vehicle control Moderate High High
Internal vehicle flow that if reverse engineered could enable third party vehicle control. Largely a competitive question, could be set LOW if manufacturer and operator are not concerned with this type of compromise. Includes vehicle control commands, which must be timely and accurate to support safe vehicle operation. Includes vehicle control commands, which must be timely and accurate to support safe vehicle operation.
Vehicle Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment automated vehicle control status Moderate Moderate Moderate
Automated vehicle operating conditions could imply PII, and as they are internal measures should be provided only to intended recipients. Automated vehicle operating conditions, if reported incorrectly, could result in warnings or operations responses that are inappropriate. Other mechanisms for determining this information are unlikely, but given compettive concerns, applications will have to be designed to work without this data.
Vehicle Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment vehicle environmental data Low Moderate Low
Little abusive potential for capturing the information in this flow as designed. Could be moderate if this contains PII related information, but considered for now to not include any PII; DISC: WYO believes Vehicle to Center versions of this flow to be MODERATE as center penetrations could more easily garner aggregate user data that might be used for mischief. Some minimal guarantee of data integrity is necessary for all C-ITS flows. DISC THEA believes this to be LOW: Data should be accurate and not tampered with but should be able to cope with some bad data in traffic/environmental condition monitoring; aggregate data; can also receive data from ITS RE; DISC: WYO believes this to be MODERATE data should be timely and readily available, but limited adverse effect; aggregate data; can also receive data from ITS RE; DISC: WYO believes this to be MODERATE
Vehicle Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment vehicle location and motion Not Applicable High Moderate
This data is intentionally transmitted to everyone via a broadcast. Much of its information content can also be determined via other visual indicators Incorrect information could lead to the system not operating properly. If the system does not properly know where the vehicle is, it cannot make an accurate decision about whether there is going to be a pedestrian in the crosswalk that the vehicle is approaching. This can have a safety impact.; DISC: NYC believes this to be MODERATE This data is required for the system to operate properly. If this data is not available, the system cannot give accurate warning information.
Vehicle Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment vehicle platoon coordination Low High Moderate
Includes the identity of the lead vehicle but no PII. Intended for vehicles to coordinate tightly, and with no previous relationship so likely open to other vehicles monitoring. Platooning coordination data must be correct or potentially severe consequences can result, particularly if data relevant to high speed operations is corrupted. Platooning will not fully function without this flow; the worst case is that vehicles drop from the platoon however; lack of this flow is unlikely to generate a severe incident on its own.
Vehicle Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment vehicle profile Low Moderate Moderate
Includes no PII and probably includes information that could be observed, so no need for obfuscation. As this information will be used to determine the vehicle's ability to access services or be charged usage fees, it must be correct and not easily forgeable. This flow enables various services; if the flow is not available the vehicle may not be able to use those services, and also may be charged incorrectly.
Vehicle Driver driver updates Not Applicable Moderate Moderate
This data is informing the driver about the safety of a nearby area. It should not contain anything sensitive, and does not matter if another person can observe it. This is the information that is presented to the driver. If they receive incorrect information, they may act in an unsafe manner. However, there are other indicators that would alert them to any hazards, such as an oncoming vehicle or crossing safety lights. If this information is not made available to the driver, then the system has not operated correctly.
Vehicle Other Vehicles vehicle environmental data Low Moderate Moderate
Little abusive potential for capturing the information in this flow as designed. Could be moderate if this contains PII related information, but considered for now to not include any PII; DISC: WYO believes Vehicle to Center versions of this flow to be MODERATE as center penetrations could more easily garner aggregate user data that might be used for mischief. This could be used for safety applications, and in areas of severe weather a corrupted field could have significant consequences; however, any vehicle will use other inputs before triggering automatic safety facilities, so MODERATE should be sufficient. DISC: WYO believes this to be HIGH. This data is required for the system to operate properly. If this data is not available, the system cannot give accurate warning information.
Vehicle Other Vehicles vehicle location and motion Not Applicable High Moderate
This data is intentionally transmitted to everyone via a broadcast. Much of its information content can also be determined via other visual indicators BSM info needs to be accurate and should not be tampered with BSM must be broadcast regularly to make data available for other vehicle OBEs, but availability cannot be guaranteed over a wireless medium
Vehicle Other Vehicles vehicle maneuver coordination Low High Low
Data contained within this flow is intended to alert other nearby vehicles to a desired or impending movement by the source vehicle. The data does include identifiers indicating the sending vehicle, which needs to be recognized and protected as appropriate. It may be impractical to encrypt this data to meet performance requirements, and in any event no more than one vehicle would be identified and only in the field environment, so mass collection of this information would be difficult. This flow is core to automated vehicle merge and lane change operations; flaws in the data could result in a crash, and so integrity should be ensured to the highest practical level. L4/5 ADS will operate more smoothly if this flow works, but as the vehicle fleet will include L0 vehicles for the foreseeable future, any ADS must use other methods to ensure safe operation anyway. May be MODERATE in ADS-dedicated facilities.
Vehicle Other Vehicles vehicle platoon coordination Low High Moderate
Includes the identity of the lead vehicle but no PII. Intended for vehicles to coordinate tightly, and with no previous relationship so likely open to other vehicles monitoring. Platooning coordination data must be correct or potentially severe consequences can result, particularly if data relevant to high speed operations is corrupted. Platooning will not fully function without this flow; the worst case is that vehicles drop from the platoon however; lack of this flow is unlikely to generate a severe incident on its own.


The following table lists the standards associated with physical objects in this service package. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.

Name Title Physical Object
CTI 4001 RSU Roadside Unit (RSU) Standard Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment
ITE 5301 ATC ITS Cabinet Intelligent Transportation System Standard Specification for Roadside Cabinets ITS Roadway Equipment
NEMA TS 8 Cyber and Physical Security Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS Roadway Equipment
Traffic Management Center

System Requirements

System Requirement Need
001 The system shall provide intersection status, lane control information, and other real time traffic control related information to vehicles. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
002 The system shall remotely control automated vehicle system field elements, by providing lane changing parameters, parameters for determination of vehicle suitability for particular automated lanes, and other control information required for automated highway operation. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
003 The system shall maintain a log of all automated vehicle check-in and check-out transactions received from the field elements regardless of whether they are successful or not. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
004 The system shall remotely control barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
005 The system shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
006 The system shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
007 The system shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding sensor and surveillance data collection, analysis, storage, and distribution. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
008 The system shall maintain a database of surveillance equipment and sensors and associated data (including the roadway on which they are located, the type of data collected, and the ownership of each). 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
009 The system shall remotely control devices to detect traffic. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
010 The system shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure road surface conditions including temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
011 The system shall assimilate current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services), data from roadway maintenance operations, and environmental data collected from sensors deployed on and about the roadway. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
012 The system shall receive aggregated and processed vehicle environmental data collected from vehicle safety and convenience systems through the connected vehicle roadside equipment. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
013 The system shall activate barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under center control. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
014 The system shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
015 The system shall return sensor and CCTV system operational status to the controlling center. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
016 The system shall return sensor and CCTV system operational status to the controlling center. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
017 The system shall include surface and sub-surface environmental sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
018 The system shall include environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
019 The system shall provide environmental sensor equipment operational status to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
020 The system shall provide weather and road surface condition data to centers. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
021 The system shall collect environmental data from connected vehicle roadside equipment. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
022 The system shall provide access to remotely collected environmental data (i.e., from connected vehicle sources) in the same manner is it provides access to locally collected environmental data (typically by providing it to various centers). 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
023 The system shall check the vehicle's condition to see if it is suitable for operating on automated lanes based on vehicle control parameters (speed, headway, etc.) used by vehicles in those lanes, and once confirmed, shall send control parameters to the vehicle. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
024 The system shall provide to the vehicle automated lane changing data based on a lane changing strategy and detailed lane changing parameters (e.g. exactly where, and at what speed the lane change will take place), under center control. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
025 The system shall manage the checking in and checking out of suitably equipped vehicles requesting use of automated lanes, and send a record of all requests to the responsible center. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
026 The system shall communicate with passing vehicles to collect environmental monitoring data, including ambient air quality, emissions, temperature, precipitation, and other road weather information. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
027 The system shall aggregate and forward collected environmental probe information to the center. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
028 The system shall provide application status to the center for monitoring. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
029 The system shall aggregate and filter the collected environmental data based on configuration parameters received from the controlling center. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
030 The system shall provide environmental data to other field elements. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
031 The system shall communicate with on-board equipment on passing vehicles to collect current vehicle position, speed, and heading and a record of previous events (e.g., starts and stops, link travel times) that can be used to determine current traffic conditions. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
032 The system shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to the center. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
033 The system shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to other field elements. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
034 The system shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
035 The system shall exchange location and motion information with roadside equipment and nearby vehicles. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
036 The system shall receive warnings, informational road signs, traffic meters, and signals provided by infrastructure devices. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
037 The system shall analyze its own applications' performance and enter fail-safe mode (a mode such that the application cannot provide information or perform actions that affect its host) when critical components fail. 02 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed.
038 The system shall notify the driver when onboard components or safety applications are offline. 02 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed.
039 The system shall monitor the area behind and in front of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
040 The system shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle to determine if a control adjustment is needed. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
041 The system shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle and the current speed and direction of the vehicle. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
042 The system shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board control automation applications. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
043 The system shall provide an interface through which a vehicle driver can initiate, monitor and terminate automatic control of the vehicle. 02 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed.
044 The system shall send appropriate control actions to the vehicle's steering actuators. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
045 The system shall present vehicle control information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner. 02 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed.
046 The system shall send appropriate control actions to the vehicle's speed control systems (e.g., throttle, brakes). 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
047 The system shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle and if a warning is needed. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
048 The system shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object to warn the driver, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, roadway characteristics, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
049 The system shall collect and process environmental sensor data, including air temperature and rain sensors. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
050 The system shall monitor the status of vehicle convenience and safety systems (wiper status, headlight status, traction control system status) that can be used to measure environmental conditions and record snapshots of significant events in these systems. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
051 The system shall transmit environmental probe data to field equipment located along the roadway using short range communications. 03 Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.
052 The system shall provide the capability for a driver to request access to automated vehicle lanes. 02 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed.
053 The system shall request usage of automated lanes for all or part of an overall route; including sending vehicle conditions to the roadside to determine eligibility. 02 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed.
054 The system shall collect and monitor data concerning the safety of the vehicle while on automated lanes including conditions of the brakes, drive train, forward/rear/side sensors, steering condition, fuel level, tire wear and pressure, and the status of vehicle processors and communications. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
055 The system shall monitor the area surrounding vehicle in an automated lane to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle. Obstacles could include animals, other vehicles, pedestrians, debris in roadway etc. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
056 The system shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, conditions of the roadway and environment, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle. 01 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.
057 The system shall provide warnings to the driver of potential dangers based on sensor input and analysis concerning the safety of the vehicle operating in an automated lane. 02 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed.
058 The system shall present platoon information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner. 02 The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed.