IEEE 802.2 LLC
IEEE Standard for Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--Local and metropolitan area networks -- Specific requirements -- Part 2: Logical Link ControlDocument #
ISO/IEC 8802-2Description
ISO/IEC 8802-2 describes the logical link control (LLC) sublayer, which constitutes the top sublayer in the data link layer of the ISO 8802 Local Area Network Protocol (also known as IEEE 802.2).Standard In Solutions
- (None-Data) - Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- (None-Data) - Local Unicast Wireless (1609.2)
- (None-Data) - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- (None-Data) - WAVE IPv6
- (None-Data) - WAVE TCP
- (None-Data) - WAVE WSMP
- (None-Data) - Apache Kafka over Wireless
- (None-Data) - OASIS AMQP over Wireless
- (None-Data) - OASIS MQTT over Wireless
- (None-Data) - OMG DDS over Wireless
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - Apache Kafka over Wireless
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - OASIS AMQP over Wireless
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - OASIS MQTT over Wireless
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - OMG DDS over Wireless
- ISO: Equipment Identification - Local Unicast Wireless (1609.2)
- METR: Consumer Requirements - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- METR: Distribution Requirements - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- METR: Distribution Requirements - Apache Kafka over Wireless
- METR: Distribution Requirements - OASIS AMQP over Wireless
- METR: Distribution Requirements - OASIS MQTT over Wireless
- METR: Distribution Requirements - OMG DDS over Wireless
- Parking - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- TPEG2 - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- TUF - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- Uptane - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: ATIS - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS real-time - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS static - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: NTCIP CCTV - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Environmental Sensors - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Message Sign - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Roadside Unit - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Transportation Sensors - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Video Switches - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Warning Device - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: SAE Basic Safety Messages - WAVE WSMP
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - Local Unicast Wireless (1609.2)
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - WAVE IPv6
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - WAVE WSMP
- US: SAE Lane-Level Mapping - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE Lane-Level Mapping - WAVE WSMP
- US: SAE Other J2735 - Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE Other J2735 - Local Unicast Wireless (1609.2)
- US: SAE Other J2735 - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE Other J2735 - WAVE TCP
- US: SAE Other J2735 - WAVE WSMP
- US: SAE Platooning - WAVE WSMP
- US: SAE Safety Awareness Messages - WAVE WSMP
- US: SAE Signal Control Messages - Local Unicast Wireless (1609.2)
- US: SAE Signal Control Messages - WAVE WSMP
- US: SAE Signal Preemption - WAVE TCP
- US: SAE Traveler Info - Local Unicast Wireless (1609.2)
- US: SAE Traveler Info - WAVE WSMP
- US: SAE VRU Messages - Local Unicast Wireless (1609.2)
- US: SAE VRU Messages - WAVE WSMP
- US: SAE Weather Info - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE Weather Info - WAVE WSMP
- US: TCIP - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: TOMP - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: WAVE Tolling - Local Unicast Wireless (1609.2)
- US: WAVE Tolling - WAVE TCP
- VIS - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- X.1373 - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
Standard In Profiles
- Apache Kafka over Wireless
- I-M: Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- I-M: Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- I-M: Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- OASIS AMQP over Wireless
- OASIS MQTT over Wireless
- OMG DDS over Wireless
- V-X: Local Broadcast Wireless (NA)
- V-X: Local Unicast Wireless (1609.2)
- V-X: WAVE IPv6
Standard In Standard Bundles
- Bundle: Local Broadcast Wireless SubNet (US)
- Bundle: Local Unicast Wireless SubNet (US)
- Bundle: WAVE - Subnet
- Wireless Internet Alternatives (NA)
Hyperlink to Standard
IEEE 802.2 LLCHyperlinks to the standard are provided when practical, but may not be up-to-date as SDOs may change their websites without prior notice. The ARC-IT team will update hyperlinks with ARC-IT releases.