Transmission Control ProtocolDocument #
IETF RFC 9293Description
This document specifies the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). TCP is an important transport-layer protocol in the Internet protocol stack, and it has continuously evolved over decades of use and growth of the Internet. Over this time, a number of changes have been made to TCP as it was specified in RFC 793, though these have only been documented in a piecemeal fashion. This document collects and brings those changes together with the protocol specification from RFC 793. This document obsoletes RFC 793, as well as RFCs 879, 2873, 6093, 6429, 6528, and 6691 that updated parts of RFC 793. It updates RFCs 1011 and 1122, and it should be considered as a replacement for the portions of those documents dealing with TCP requirements. It also updates RFC 5961 by adding a small clarification in reset handling while in the SYN-RECEIVED state. The TCP header control bits from RFC 793 have also been updated based on RFC 3168.Standard In Solutions
- (Data Not Needed) - Secure Internet (ITS)
- (None-Data) - G5 TCP
- (None-Data) - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- (None-Data) - Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- (None-Data) - Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- (None-Data) - LTE-V2X IPv6
- (None-Data) - LTE-V2X TCP
- (None-Data) - Secure Internet (ITS)
- (None-Data) - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- (None-Data) - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- (None-Data) - WAVE IPv6
- (None-Data) - WAVE TCP
- (None-Data) - Apache Kafka
- (None-Data) - Apache Kafka over Wireless
- (None-Data) - OASIS AMQP
- (None-Data) - OASIS AMQP over Wireless
- (None-Data) - OASIS MQTT
- (None-Data) - OASIS MQTT over Wireless
- (None-Security-Management) - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- (None-Security-Management) - Secure Internet (ITS)
- (Out of Scope) - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - Apache Kafka
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - Apache Kafka over Wireless
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - OASIS AMQP
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - OASIS AMQP over Wireless
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - OASIS MQTT
- Data for Distribution (TBD) - OASIS MQTT over Wireless
- EU: Data Probe Management - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- EU: DATEX - DATEX Messaging
- EU: DEN Service - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- EU: Device enrollment - Secure Internet (ITS)
- EU: eCall - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- EU: Electric Charging Spot Reservations - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- EU: ETSI data dictionary - Secure Internet (ITS)
- EU: In-Vehicle Information - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- EU: Misbehavior reporting - Secure Internet (ITS)
- EU: NeTEx - Secure Internet (ITS)
- EU: NeTEx - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- EU: Probe Data - G5 TCP
- EU: Probe Data - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- EU: Security Credentials - Secure Internet (ITS)
- EU: Signal Control Messages - G5 TCP
- EU: Signal Control Messages - Secure Internet (ITS)
- EU: Signal Control Messages - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- EU: SIRI - Secure Internet (ITS)
- EU: SIRI - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- EU: TPEG2 Parking Information - Secure Internet (ITS)
- EU: TPEG2 Parking Information - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- GBFS - Secure Internet (ITS)
- METR: Consumer Requirements - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- METR: Discrepancy Reporting Requirements - Secure Internet (ITS)
- METR: Discrepancy Reporting Requirements - Apache Kafka
- METR: Discrepancy Reporting Requirements - OASIS AMQP
- METR: Discrepancy Reporting Requirements - OASIS MQTT
- METR: Distribution Requirements - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- METR: Distribution Requirements - Apache Kafka over Wireless
- METR: Distribution Requirements - OASIS AMQP over Wireless
- METR: Distribution Requirements - OASIS MQTT over Wireless
- METR: Regulation Requirements - Secure Internet (ITS)
- METR: Regulation Requirements - Apache Kafka
- METR: Regulation Requirements - OASIS AMQP
- METR: Regulation Requirements - OASIS MQTT
- Parking - Secure Internet (ITS)
- Parking - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- TPEG2 - Secure Internet (ITS)
- TPEG2 - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- TPEG2 - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- TUF - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- TUF - Secure Internet (ITS)
- TUF - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- Uptane - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: ADMS - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: ADMS - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: ATIS - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: ATIS - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: CDS - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: Device enrollment - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS real-time - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS real-time - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS real-time - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS static - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: GTFS static - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: MDS - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: Misbehavior reporting - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: NTCIP CCTV - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Data Collection - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Data Collection - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Data Collection - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Environmental Sensors - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Environmental Sensors - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Environmental Sensors - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Environmental Sensors - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Generic Device - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Generic Device - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Generic Device - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Lighting - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Lighting - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Lighting - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Message Sign - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Message Sign - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Message Sign - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Message Sign - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Ramp Meters - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Ramp Meters - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Ramp Meters - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Roadside Unit - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Roadside Unit - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Signal Priority - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Signal Priority - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Signal Priority - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Signal System Masters - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Signal System Masters - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Signal System Masters - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Traffic Signal - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Traffic Signal - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Traffic Signal - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Transportation Sensors - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Transportation Sensors - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Transportation Sensors - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Transportation Sensors - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Video Switches - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Video Switches - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Video Switches - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Video Switches - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Warning Device - SNMPv1
- US: NTCIP Warning Device - SNMPv1/TLS
- US: NTCIP Warning Device - SNMPv3/TLS
- US: NTCIP Warning Device - Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - LTE-V2X IPv6
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE J3067 (J2735 SE) - WAVE IPv6
- US: SAE Lane-Level Mapping - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE Lane-Level Mapping - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE Other J2735 - Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE Other J2735 - LTE-V2X TCP
- US: SAE Other J2735 - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE Other J2735 - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: SAE Other J2735 - WAVE TCP
- US: SAE Signal Preemption - LTE-V2X TCP
- US: SAE Signal Preemption - WAVE TCP
- US: SAE Weather Info - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: Security Credentials - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: Security Credentials - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: TCIP - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: TCIP - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: TCIP - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: TIDES - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: TMDD - NTCIP Messaging
- US: TOMP - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: TOMP - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- US: UBL - Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: WAVE Tolling - LTE-V2X TCP
- US: WAVE Tolling - WAVE TCP
- US: WZDx - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- US: WZDx - Secure Internet (ITS)
- VIS - Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- VIS - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- X.1373 - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
Standard In Profiles
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Kafka over Wireless
- C-C: DATEX Messaging
- C-C: NTCIP Messaging
- I-F: AU TRAFF Comms
- I-F: SNMPv1
- I-I: Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)
- I-I: Secure Internet (ITS)
- I-M: Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- I-M: Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- I-M: Secure Wireless Internet (EU)
- I-M: Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
- I-M: Wireless SNMPv3/TLS
- OASIS AMQP over Wireless
- OASIS MQTT over Wireless
- V-X: G5 TCP
- V-X: LTE-V2X IPv6
- V-X: WAVE IPv6
Standard In Standard Bundles
- Bundle: NTCIP TP-Internet
- Bundle: TCP/IP
- Field TransNet Alternatives
- Internet Transport Alternatives
Hyperlink to Standard
No hyperlink available.Hyperlinks to the standard are provided when practical, but may not be up-to-date as SDOs may change their websites without prior notice. The ARC-IT team will update hyperlinks with ARC-IT releases.